Upon Arrival

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Ness's P.O.V

The ride here was actually really quiet which was pretty surprising but I guess it was the first time most of us are seeing each other and none of us seemed to be a talkative type. I ended up sitting next to Donkey Kong which was a mix of emotions since I was sitting next to a huge Nintendo icon except it would also help to remember I was a kid on a bus next to A HUGE APE. See my point?

Other than that it was an okay ride

Once we got there I was stunned to see there was a mansion for the participants. I had just assumed we'd stay at just hotel rooms and stared in awe

"PI!" I heard as I felt a small shock on my leg and my staring was cut short. "Ow!" I said mostly from surprise "You could've just tapped my leg." I said grabbing my things. "Pika" I assumed he was telling me to hurry up "Jeez out of all Pikachus they invited a rude one" "Pika Pi" "Are you trying to mock me? "Pi" he said turning the other way and walking off. "I'm so beating that Pikachu this tournament" I said under my breath

After sorting things out in my room we were all told to go to the main room. Where Mario gave us a welcome to the tournament kinda talk and started explaining what the tournament would look like and told us we'd have three "stocks" and if we touched a blast zone we'd lose a stock. Then asked us for any questions

"Isn't there supposed to be twelve of us?" I heard Link ask. "Yes two just have their own ride" Mario responded.

And almost like on cue we all saw two ships land from a window in quick succession. The first being orange and having smoother design the second having a sharper design that was silver with two blue vertical stabilizers.

Samus's P.O.V

I had found Fox on the way here, after asking him if he was invited to the event too I told him I'd race him. It took some convincing but eventually, he agreed

It was actually pretty close we both landed basically seconds off from each other but I still somehow won

As I stepped out of my ship I looked over at Fox as he stepped out "Told you my ships faster" I told him slightly smugly. "Alright fast as we were though we're still late" He responded "Changing the subject now?" I said still rather smugly "Let's just go" he said

When Fox and I entered we saw everyone already gathered in the first room staring at us as we entered. "Sorry we're late" "Space is a pretty big place" I said. For the most part, everyone excused our late entrance and Mario let everyone else go while he explained the tournament to us

"Alright when's the tournament starting?" Fox said."Tomorrow" Mario responded "Great to know we have time to train still" I said sarcastically. After that Mario let us go.

"If you still wanna train I'll train with you it's still early" I heard Fox say as we walked up to our rooms "Alright I'll set up my room get my suit then you're on" I responded. "Won't lose this time" "We'll see about that" I responded as I entered my room. After I set up my room I got my suit and headed to the training room to meet Fox.

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