Chapter 2: Their First encounter

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Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

Illumi cursed in his head over and over.

Shit, fuck, shit shit, fuck.

He ran faster than he ever thought he could, which was surprising considering at his best he could take on the speed of cars.

Despite his training that took up every single spare moment of his childhood and teenage years, he felt his legs start to burn. How long had he been running? Why was he running? Zoldyck's don't run, they kill until there's no one left to kill. They finish every last target and every witness that follows (most usually witnesses are kept at a minimum if at all possible, they still had some mercy, very, very, little. Extremely. Little). And yes, usually it's a walk in the park, sometimes a fast pasted walk, occasional sprint, but mostly walk.

But Illumi didn't like walking, he always wanted, no needed, a bit more challenge to quench his bloodlust. This was one of those times.

He was approached by his father, with a task not worth his time, so he'd pass it to Illumi. Oh was it so simple, it was almost boring. Some stuck up, over confident bastard had pushed his luck too much with killing random people in a small but sizable town, just hours from their luxurious estate. Someone rich enough finally had enough of it and consulted the Zoldyck's. Silva must have tried hard to keep from laughing as the case was presented to him in most likely a formal manner. Sure, the pay was sizable, but he already sat on top of enough money for 5 lifetimes, so why not hand it to one of his sons. Illumi obviously was his first choice.

Illumi did laugh at the offer, but had no choice but to take it. It's not like anyone else would do it. Milluki, the second oldest, was too fat to move. This fit Killua's standards but recently he'd been invested in hanging out with a new unusual friend who Illumi was skeptical of, regardless, Killua had refused to take on any assignments for the time being and was often gone a lot. Alluka had the strength of a child. And no one had seen Kalluto in months meaning he'd probably found himself a new little gang to loaf off of. So the burned lies with Illumi. It wasn't all bad, sure his father got the credit for the job but Illumi got to do the actual killing and get paid, which he'd take any day over bragging rights.

And so that was that, easy flight to the nearest air port, a car would be waiting for him to drive discreetly to the town. He'd strike at midnight, when the killer was assured to be alone. Illumi would tear up his body, mortify him as to warn others not to follow in the footsteps of said serial killer and that would be that.

Except... Illumi had other ideas.

Instead he would go a day after he was supposed to, when he knew the killer would be surrounded, still at midnight, by all his accomplices. Illumi would kill them all and that would be that.

But he really underestimated their strength, and their quantity.

Illumi showed up ready to kill when he was greeted by 20 accomplices all geared up and held guns ready for fire. Illumi managed to take out 11 but on 12, they all started to corner him. He need to get out of there and reassess the situation.

And thus he ran. Into a woods conveniently close by, he ran but no matter what there were always footsteps close behind.

Damn! How are they still keeping up? Alright then...

Illumi came to a sudden stop. He jumped up, climbing on a tree to get a higher vantage point. There he saw 6 men headed right toward his previous spot on the ground. Carefully, Illumi pulled out a needle he knew was laced with a paralysis poison. Just as they were about to pass under him, he extended his arm in one swift motion, launching 6 needles right to their necks.

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