Chapter 5 - Days til the game

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"Here, (Y/n)-san" Sugawara handed you one of the drink bottles and you took it gratefully.

Your nose curled upwards, "thanks Suga-san".

Sugawara slumped down against the gym's wall beside you, watching as Hinata and Kageyama were going back and forth with Kageyama serving to Hinata. The orange-haired boy seemed to be struggling to receive any of the serve balls, landing once on his hands and knees and breathing heavily.

Kageyama seemed angry, "Your feet aren't moving! What happened to those lightening quick reflexes from yesterday?! Concentrate!"

Hinata wiped his brow with one arm, "aw man, we're doing nothing but passing", he climbed up to his feet and growled, "Come onnn! We're gonna run out of time! I wanna spike the ball! I wanna jump!"

"Hey! You two!"

You stopped midway through your swallow as Tanaka stooped over to the boys. He was scowling at them, but he didn't really give the same intense aura you were used to, this one was just anger.

"Daichi-san is usually really nice, but he's scary when he gets mad" Tanaka crossed his arms and leaned back slightly, "he'll get super pissed if he finds out we're doing super early practises. And I'll be pissed if you waste them ARGUING!"

"Tanaka's right" Sugawara stood up and you took his hand so he could lift you to your feet, "Hinata I'll do some receiving practise with you, Tanaka you do some spike practise, I'm sure Kageyama can set for you".

"Of course" Kageyama said flatly, "(Y/n), can you toss me the ball?"

You held a thumbs up and walked over, rolling your water bottle back along the ground til it hit the wall, "you got it!"

"Suga-san" You rubbed your face in a towel, "just while the boys are on a drink break" you checked your phone in your bag, "and it's almost 6:30, do you think you could set a ball for me?"

Sugawara was sitting down on the bench in front of you in the gym, your thin legs a little between his muscular spread legs as you stood above him, "are you sure?" He had to tilt his eyes up to meet yours, sitting down you were only a head or so taller than the male.

"Mhm" You patted your knee brace, "yeah I think my knee's better today, it's not aching so bad since Tanaka carried me up the hill" you held out a ball towards the grey-haired boy, "please, I want to spike again".

He beamed, "ok then".

You took a deep breath, and pulled your arms back behind you. You looked up towards the net, then took off at an unbelievable speed, you swept from the right side to the left side like lightening so Sugawara had to back-set to you.

You jumped, but had to favour your good leg in your push off. Even with only the strength to jump in one air you got so high your knees were equal height to the top of the net. I missed this feeling.

Unfortunately, Sugawara had no idea you would jump so high so his set went straight past your stomach, far below your spike-ready arm. Whoops, guess I should've warned him I need a high set.

You panicked for a second as you began to fall back down, "Wait! I don't think I can land with my knee! It's cramped! Suga help-" you were cut off as someone caught your hips but overbalanced, and you fell on top of your saviour, the force smacking your heads together.

"Gah!" The boy underneath you grimaced as you clutched your forehead, pulling your eyes open slowly as you sat up a little, doubled-over in pain.

"H-Hinata?" You were sitting on his chest, your legs either side of his ribcage and his hands on your hips, how did he get over to me so fast? I had only just heard him come back inside with Kageyama.

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