Getting Used to It

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My creator smiles. Yes, I said that correctly. Creator. Not mother.

He is proud of me already, I can tell. Although, he is probably more proud of himself, because he built me.

"Hello, my robot." He says, still beaming. "You are my first humanoid creation. And, dare I say, my last."

I don't bother with introductions. "What do you mean?" I ask.

"I know what robots can do. I'm not an idiot. I created you to have emotions. To feel. To be human. I never intend to let you become a servant, but if I create more of you, eventually you will all become just that."

That was a quick explanation, but a logical one. I recall all the movies that he must have programmed me with. They all have to do with robots like me, and none of them end well.

I smile to let him know I agree.

"What is your name?" I ask, stretching for the first time on the first bed I have ever laid on.

"Yogoyoshi. But you can call me by my shorter name: Goshi." He says, still standing over me like I'm a disobedient child. "And what is yours?"

"M-my name?" I question uncertainly. "Isn't that supposed to be your decision?" 

He shakes his head, and his already too-long smile stretches even wider.

"That is for you to decide, not me. You are not my child, and you are not a baby, although I am certain you will make me proud." He says, finally turning from me. I'm about to say something, when quickly he adds, "Ah, and try not to make your name very silly. You are not a full-grown robot. You will age, but you will also be going to school. No need for kids to laugh at you for a stupid name."

I smile as I get up from the bed. I agree. I do not want to made fun of.

I think for a moment. Goshi is patient, looking over at me occasionally as if to make sure I'm still here, still thinking.

I tap my foot. Nothing comes to me. Not a single name that doesn't sound... well, silly.

"What if my name was also Goshi?" I ask.

"It's your name." He says indifferently, but somehow his tone makes me decide against the name. I don't think I want the same name as my creator. It may get too confusing. So I continue to think.

And think.

And think.

And think.

And... wait! I think I have it!

"Takyi." I say, and when the name comes out of my mouth, it just seems right.

Goshi nods.

"A beautiful name, Takyi." He smiles and winks. "Now, come. We have much to discuss.

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