Back to Goshi

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"We have to get back to my house so we can contact Goshi to tell him we're all okay!" I yell over the wind. It's not even that strong, but I'm sprinting down the sidewalk, barely dodging people, so the wind is roaring in my ears more than it should.

I don't hear a response, when I can tell that both Nakya and Ross are still behind me, running almost as fast as I am.

It feels so great to be free, that honestly, I only want to stroll the sidewalk. I know it could only have been a few days, but it feels like we were trapped for forever, and I don't want the outside world to fly by. But I know I need to get to Goshi.

So I keep running. And I can't stop.

It doesn't take too long to get back home, especially considering our pace, and when I see my house, I run faster. I get to the door and barely wait for my friends to get in before I shut it again.

"Goshi!" I shout. "Are you home?"

I don't hear a response.

"Maybe he's out looking for us?" Nakya suggests, and I think she's right.

"We have to tell the police then." I say, and run to my room to grab my communicator. I type in the digits and wait for someone to pick up. Nakya and Ross have followed me and are now waiting for a voice, too.

"911, what's your emergency?"

Finally. The waiting felt like forever.

"Uh, yes, hello!" I start, trying to figure out the best way to describe my dilemma in a short manner. "Have you gotten any calls recently about three missing persons? Because if you have, you should know that I'm one of those three and the others are safe. We want to report who took us."

The lady on the other end stays calm and tells us that, no, there have not been any missing persons reports, but she does say that she needs to know our captor.

"Carlos... um. I don't know his last name. But his first name is Carlos and he is tall and skinny and has a sort of intelligent look about him. We know where he lives."

"Perfect. Tell us your location and we will send officers over there to help. I'm so sorry for what happened. What's your name?"

"Takyi Yumi."

"Okay, Takyi. Everything is going to be fine. I'm going to stay on the line with you until someone arrives, okay?"

I nod, even though she obviously can't see. I then say, "Okay."

I give her my address, and wait with the communicator still on.

"Takyi, were you fed? Are all of you guys okay?" The lady asks.

"Yes, we are all fine." I answer, starting to calm down from my previous state. "But, um, Carlos knows where I live. He doesn't know that I am here, but he could check here if he wanted to, so please hurry." 

My voice cracks in a way that I never thought possible, and I know then that, though I may look it, I am not calm. Not in the slightest.

"It's okay, Takyi. What are the others' names?"

"Ross Banshee and Nakya Bell."

"Are you guys friends? What do you all do for fun?"

"Uh, yes we are." I say, answering her first question. "Um, we solve mysteries together." I give them a knowing glance that would be kind of cocky if only I knew how to make that face at this moment.

"Okay, what else?"

"We talk to each other. And we play games. We mostly like to adventure things, you know? Like, we like to learn more and discover things together."

"That sounds wonderful, Takyi. The police are about half-way to your location right now, so just hang tight. Tell me more about yourself."

We keep talking, and even though she's being pretty calming, I'm still freaking out. Ross and Nakya are freaking out just as bad, even though they can also hear the lady. We talk more I figure out that her name is Bella.

She really nice, and I'm that she's trying this hard to distract us, but it's not working. I keep glancing back at my door every fifteen seconds, as if I expect Carlos to barge in.

And then, finally, I hear them. I hear the sirens. The shrill squeaking noise that alerts everyone that they need to move. Fast.

I stand up, Ross and Nakya following suite, and I run to the front door to wait for the police there.

I see them and they see me and suddenly everything is okay. I am safe and happy and I almost cry with relief. We are cared for and Goshi is called and Ross and Nakya go with there families and everything is finally fine.

They catch Carlos, and I'm so glad I could scream.

The funny thing about stories is that a lot of them end with something good. I mean, it's good that they end good, but there's usually a sign other than just the number of pages or chapters left.

A lot of mystery stories end with the cops getting involved and helping, and I thought my crazy story would end like that, too; I thought I was saved and, in time, everything could go back to normal. But that's the weird part of my story.

Because I wasn't saved when the cops came.

I mean, I was pretty okay for a little bit. Ross and Nakya and I got over everything and we almost forgot what happened to us; we didn't think about the robot, the history class, or Carlos. But soon it got weird because Goshi didn't die.

We thought maybe Carlos had lied; it didn't seem like a stretch. 

But then Goshi started going into his lab more and I finally got the courage to go back in there. I found that, even after everything, Goshi was still building the robot, and even worse, he was almost finished.

And now, I am trying to communicate my friends to ask them to come over and confront Goshi with me. Everything we learned before and had forgotten in the last month was brought flooding back, and I now have a larger desire for the truth than ever before.

So no, I was not saved by the police, and now I need to ask Goshi about everything.

I'm just scared.

Because if I do ask Goshi, I could get an answer that scares me. Because if I do ask Goshi, I might get shunned or ignored or blown off.

Because if I do ask Goshi, I might not be safe anymore. The truth is, I'm scared of Goshi now; scared of what he might planning to do or what he might have already done.

And this time, I may not be able to get to the police in time.

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