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The school day is over now, and although I am sad, I am also excited to tell Goshi of my day.

I exit the school doors and walk down the sidewalk to my house. As I walk past the trees and tall buildings, I think. 

I think about all my wonderful classes, and Ross, my new friend. It's only been one day, but already it feels as if I've been attending Hilda for a full year. That might feel heavy, mentally, some days, but right now it's a good thing for me.

"Hey! Hey, Takyi!"

I turn around, not recognizing the voice. I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I barely heard the voice to begin with, and I take this into consideration as I turn around. Although I did not immediately recognize the voice, it might still be Ross.

But it isn't.

It's a girl who I vaguely remember seeing in the main hall this morning. I'm not sure how she knows my name, but I don't really mind that she does.

"Hello. Did you need something?" I ask, facing her.

"No. I mean yes. I mean, not really but..."

The girl's cheeks turn brick-red, which is easy to see even over her dark skin, and she seems to feel really bad. I guess I know her personality. At least, I know a little bit of it; I would like to know more.

"Are okay?" I ask politely, taking a small step toward her to try and show her that I am here, not to harm her or put her down, but to listen to what she has to say.

"Uh, oh yeah. Fine," she says, regaining herself. "So anyway, I really just wanted to say welcome to Hilda."

"Thank you!" I say brightly, happy that she opened up a little. "What's your name?"

"Nakya." She responds quickly, avoiding my eyes.

"Would you like to walk with me?" I ask, then reconsider. "Are you heading this way?"

"Yes, and yes." She says, seemingly grateful.

So we walk. We don't talk much, but Nakya's whole demeanor relaxes, and I can tell she is enjoying herself.

Finally, I have to exit the walk that we were using because I see my house looming ahead. I say bye to Nakya, and make a beeline for my house, occasionally looking back to see her go. I'm glad I could help, even if it was in the strange way that I did.

I reach the doorstep and open the door to my brightly-lit home. I see that Goshi is reading a book in one of his chairs in his room when I go to look. He smiles, and asks about my day.

I tell him about everything that I experienced and that it was, truly, an amazing day.

Once again, Goshi smiles. I smile, and say a quick good bye. I know I will see him around the house, but it honestly just feels wrong to leave without saying anything, and I think Goshi understands that.

More school days go past, and they go so fast that it's hard to believe that two months have already gone past. I still enjoy school, and my friends' company.

Ross and Nakya are my greatest friends, although there are others that I love sharing company with.

There wasn't much excitement in the last months; other than the fact that every school day has been so different in many different ways, not much changed.

I wander around my house after school now, feeling slight itches of boredom. Every room seems like a new void that could be useful for something, but I'm not sure what. I know I want to do something, but I don't know what.

Sometimes I feel as though Goshi made me too human-like.

I go over to the couch in the house's den, and lay over the top of the couch like a draping cloth. I see everything upside-down, and it's kind of interesting. 

But soon, all my blood rushes to my head, so I have to sit upright again. I feel dizzy for a moment, and therefore don't immediately hear Goshi.

"Takyi! Takyi, are you listening?" He says.

I shake my head, coming out of my sort of trance. I nearly jump up, embarrassed, as I typically listen to people quite well, Goshi especially.

"Yes! I am listening, Goshi. Sorry."

He smiles.

"That is quite all right. I simply have to ask you to go to your room for a little bit. I have to bring a very dangerous chemical out of my lab, and without the proper attire, it can kill by just being smelled.

I nod, because I understand and because this has happened before, and retreat to my room. I close the door behind me.

I go to my bed for a minute, but then I go back to the door. I lean against it, trying to listen for anything Goshi might say. He does that sometimes; he talks to himself just hear his insane thoughts out loud. 

I wouldn't normally eavesdrop, but my increasing boredom and curiosity to know what exactly the chemical is get the better of me.

I hear Goshi start talking, just as I thought he would.

"Okay, now that Takyi's upstairs in the bedroom we can begin arranging things."

His words don't seem out of the ordinary at all, and I'm about to go back to my bed, when I hear a response.

"Yes, of course. Which one of us will do the experimenting this time? Should I, because I don't have one of my own? Or should you?"

I gasp. I press my ear harder against the door, but no new sound escapes.

It is not like Goshi to have full-blown conversations with himself. And what he was saying made it sound like...

This can't be happening.

The thought keeps running through my brain, and it won't stop.

I don't know who Goshi is talking to, or what they want. I don't truly know what Goshi and the other mean by their words. But no matter how much I tell myself this, no matter how many times I remind myself that I don't know, the thought keeps coming back:

Goshi lied to me.

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