Experiments Partner

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"I think it's the most logical thing we can do," Ross says. "I mean, we can't confront Goshi about the past or about the other robot, but we can contact his partner."

I nod agreeing. It's only been a few hours since we discovered each others' secret, and I'm still so... shocked. I have no idea what to do, and we all have pretty much been avoiding the problem.

"Do you think others are robots, too?" I ask, to which I get no response. Whenever I try to bring up the elephant in the room, both Nakya and Ross ignore me, turning the subject back to Goshi and his partner.

They don't even acknowledge me, making me worried that the whole thing was fake. Like I imagined it. Like I'm just sitting here acting like a psycho and my friends have no idea what to do with me.

"I mean, how did you guys ever find out?" 

No response.

"The year is 3025," I start, beginning to recite the first speech Goshi ever gave me; the speech he gave me about the world and my identity. "Not much has changed culturally in the last thousand years."

I pause.

" Of course we have made advancements in technology, but many people of the world are the same." Nakya whispers, saying the exact words I heard the day I woke up.

"The cities are more futuristic, and ideas have become more futuristic as well, but humans still inhabit the Earth, and they still behave somewhat the same as they have since the beginning of time." Ross chimes in, finishing the first bit of the speech.

Before I know it and can process it, we are all chanting the speech together, as if it is engraved in our brains. As if the words have been imprinted in our minds, never to be forgotten. And lets be honest, they probably have.

We repeat each other, only changing the words when our separate names are used, but then coming back together in perfect unison.

"Do you understand?" We finish the chant with the same question we were all asked at the end of the speech, and we look at each other.

"I don't understand," I whisper. "I don't understand anything anymore."

"But we are figuring things out, and before long, we will understand." Ross says. "We have to go see the experiments partner, or at least call him. We have to learn more."

Nakya and I nod together, as if some of our synchronization from before has carried over to the new conversation.

I grab my communicator and check the paper again, carefully checking each number multiple times to make sure I get the right person on the line. I put the last number in and look at my friends, as if warning them about what we are doing. Then I press dial.

The communicator rings.

And rings.

And rings again.

But somebody picks up.

"Hello, Carlos speaking."

For a minute I pause. I recognize his voice, right down to the very slight accent. I know it's him, and I don't want to say anything, but when I see the hopeful looks on my friends' faces, I step into action.

"Uh, hi, this is Takyi Yumi." I say, holding my breath.

I get no response. And then the line drops.

"He hung up," I say, smiling. "But he was on long enough that I can track his location!"

Both Ross and Nakya smile with me.

I knock on the door to the house I'm sure belongs to Carlos. Carlos, who was the person Goshi was talking to that day.

"We have to be quick. We have school tomorrow and I need to be home in an hour." Ross says hurriedly, trying to fit the sentence in before anyone answers the door.

He does, but just in time. The door swings open, and there stands Carlos. He is in casual attire, but has an intellectual look to him. It takes him a moment realize who I am, but soon his eyes go wide and he attempts to shut the door.

"Stop!" I practically yell. Another part of my personality, I guess: pretty bossy. "Let us in."

I put my hand to the door and plant my feet, willing him to realize that I will not give in. I'm also very determined, as it turns out.

Carlos does nothing, and I take that as an invitation to step inside. Ross and Nakya follow.

"Carlos, we need this to be short and simple. What's going on here? Why are you and Goshi making another robot."

He steals a quick glance at Nakya and Ross, probably expecting them to look surprised, but obviously they don't. He then looks back at me.

"I knew it was only a matter of time before you figured out." Carlos says slowly.

"Then why in Goshi's lab?"

"I can't tell you that." 

I look at him, hatred clear on my face.

"We dug deep into this whole mess, and have discovered so many things about Goshi and you. We were smart about it, and we know a lot, so I suggest you stop playing this 'can't tell you' crap and cut straight to the chase." Nakya says, holding herself higher and looking more defiant than I have ever seen.

Carlos looks at her and smirks. "Go sit down. I'll make some tea."

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