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The next day, it is Saturday. I don't have to go to school, and as much as I typically love my friends and classes, it is best that I don't have the work every day to distract me.

I know the weekend will end fast, but that just means that I'll have to find everything out in the next few days. Even if that means I have to exhaust myself and Goshi.

This morning, I sit in my room, once again looking over my tablet. Nothing new has been added, as I didn't have time yesterday to start any kind of investigation. I don't quite know where to start looking for clues. I try to think of someplace to start, and I come up with something.

I don't know if it will help me, but it is worth a look. I think I need to search Goshi's lab.

Suddenly, I remember what Goshi said the day I was born into this world. Except the lab doors. Don't go in there without my permission.

From what I have discovered about this world, and from what I already knew, I know it is very predictable to go into the lab. I was never planning on it, but Goshi has left me no choice.

Wait... Goshi has left me no choice!

Goshi created me! He should know my personality better than anyone. Wouldn't he then know what I'm planning? Is this all just what Goshi planned? Or am I acting unexpectedly?

I don't want to be predictable, especially not to Goshi. Especially not now.

But I'm tired of sitting around and going over what I do and don't know. I'm tired of worrying and thinking logically. If I'm going to actually to start knowing things, I can't just think. Of course I have to be rational, but I also have to take action.

And as soon as Goshi's asleep, that's exactly what I'm going to do.

Goshi takes forever to go to sleep. I don't think I've ever stayed up later than Goshi, and now I know why.

I grabbed a pot of coffee earlier to drink, and although I've been up since 6 a.m., I've been able to stay up to 2:30. And Goshi is still awake.

So I sit and wait, because even though I'm tired of waiting, if I fail this time, I will have to wait even longer. I try to have patience as the minutes tick by.

By 3:56, however, I've lost all of my patience. Which wasn't a lot to begin with. I decide to take action.

I slip silently through my bedroom door, and tiptoe to Goshi's room. I can always hear Goshi in his room, so I know that he's been awake this entire time. Except... didn't Goshi just say that?

He just said, "Ha! That was really funny!"

But he just said it again. It's not like Goshi to repeat things, and it doesn't even sound like something Goshi would say.

As always, my curiosity gets between me and my mission. I go to Goshi's bedroom door, and push it open.

Inside there is nothing. No furniture, and no Goshi. The only thing in the room is something up against the wall. I'm sure exactly what it's called, but it is clearly the source of sound. Goshi wasn't talking! He was using this thing!

It is making Goshi's voice reverberate through the room; each sound, each word, can be heard much louder and many more times than should be possible. Goshi tricked me!

Steaming with anger, I exit his room, and, not so quietly, I stomp to the doors of Goshi's lab. I don't know why he would do this; it probably has something to do with what I'm trying to figure out. So I don't linger on the questions any longer; instead, I go through the lab doors.

At first glance, the lab looks like a lab should: chemicals glittering everywhere, tubes and containers holding mysterious things, and different types of mechanical devices and experiments littering the floor.

On closer inspection, however, I can see that one mechanical device looks oddly familiar. I get closer to it, and when I do, I gasp.

I am at the table now. It is now Sunday, the day after my discovery.

Goshi is asking if I want more pancakes. I can't really hear him; my mind processes his words, but I don't actually hear him speak. It's as if we are talking with our minds.

I don't say anything in response to his question, causing Goshi to ask again. I still don't say anything; instead, I tear up. 

Tears stream down my face, all too visible, but before Goshi can ask what's wrong, I run to my room.

Goshi thinks he knows everything, but he doesn't. He is wrong about many things. He thinks I was crying of sadness, but they are truly tears of unforgivable rage.

Goshi lied. Once again, he lied. He is full of lies. He will never stop.

He doesn't know that I know what he did. He doesn't know why I am crying. And he certainly knows nothing if he thinks I'm just going to sit around and wait for him to do this.

Because what I saw in the lab is unforgivable. It is absolute proof that I am being lied to, and that I am not safe.

I suddenly smile through my thoughts of outrage as I remember something of Goshi's and the stranger's conversation. I guess they decided that Goshi should do it.

But now I know what it is. To me it is not an it, but I now know that to Goshi it is.

I know things about Goshi that I didn't know before. That I don't want to know. But I can't un-see what I saw.

I won't let Goshi get away with this. I won't let my discovery become a slave.

Because what I saw was not okay. Goshi is not okay.

Because I saw another robot in Goshi's lab.

A robot.

Just. Like. Me.

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