Eat a salad

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Valkyrie strolled into Thor's house and was instantly overwhelmed by the smell.

From the front door she could here Korg and Meik screaming into their headphones, or at each other, but she couldn't hear Thor.

As Valkyrie entered the living room she looked around. She rarely saw him out of his chair.

"Please tell me he's taking a bath." She said.

"He's outside."

"Outside?" She exclaimed.

"Yeah the garden- NO NoobMaster69! Meik, get him!" Korg ordered.

The kitchen was filled with empty beer cans with the bin overflowing. Valkyrie saw Thor instantly in the kitchen window and paused before opening the door.

She understood alone time more than anyone else and could tell when someone needed it.

"You planning on standing there all day?" Thor said. Valkyrie smiled to herself and strolled outside next to him.

The mid afternoon breeze caught Valkyrie's loose hair. It felt gentle on her soft skin.

Thor was staring at the gloomy sky ahead and seemed to be in his own world.

"I didn't mean to push your buttons yesterday." She admitted. Thor didn't say anything. "I'm just not sure if what I'm doing is right." Thor frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"It's just..." She fumbled for words. "It feels like I should be out there. Helping."

"You're helping here." Valkyrie turned her whole body to face him.

"People are out there Thor, trying to bring back the ones we lost. We should help." Thor didn't say anything so she continued. "I promised Vandil that the first oppurtunity I got I would help bring back his wife and daughter. I don't know if I should of made that promise to him, but I had already made it to myself."

They both stood there for a moment listening to the wind cut through the trees as it picked up. Valkyrie was about to leave him when he grabbed her arm, still not looking at her.

"If the opportunity comes you can go. But you have to promise me you won't die." Valkyrie smiled, knowing he was mimicking her.

"Two promises in two days. I don't like it." She was about to head back into his house when she looked at him again.

"What's going on with you?" She asked.

"I've been thinking about my parents and Loki. What they would think of me now. I wondered what my mum would say to me."

"She'd say eat a salad." Thor showed a visible smile and Valkyrie did the same. She touched the door handle lightly and spoke once more.

"Thor... I promise." Thor turned his head to look at her and they locked eyes. She could see the sad look in his eyes. No tears but full of emotion. He nodded twice and moved his gaze to the dark clouds again.

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