See you tomorrow

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"Sure thing your majesty." Valkyrie called to Thor.

"Your majesty? Seems to me like you're more in charge than he is." Carol said. Valkyrie laughed softly.

"Yeah, but he still has the title." Carol nodded slightly. She knew leader material when she saw it. Valkyrie was definitely it. Carol wondered if Valkyrie knew as much as she did.

"You must be tired after flying from... where ever you were."

"It doesn't have as much of a strain on my body as it used to. Guess I got used to it." Carol said casually.

She must have crazy stamina. Valkyrie thought.

"I don't think I could ever get used to something like that." Carol examined her face for a moment.

"I think you'd manage." Valkyrie smiled at the ground.

"Well tired or not, you should try get some rest. You know, as we're facing some mega powerful... being..? Object..? Thing tomorrow." Carol smiled at Valkyrie's comment. She liked this girl.

Part of her actually hoped there might be something on Berhert so she could get to know Valkyrie more. And prove her wrong. Either way she seemed like someone you would want fighting by your side.

Valkyrie stopped outside a small house at the end of the path and turned to Carol.

"If you need anything I'm just over there." Valkyrie pointed to a house similar to the one they were standing by.

"Thanks." Carol said. They both seemed to hesitate for a moment before parting ways.

"See you tomorrow." Valkyrie called.

Valkyrie was about to open her front door when Vandil called her name down the street. Valkyrie turned to him, confused.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you but what are you doing here?" Valkyrie asked.

"I just saw Thor... you're going away... with Captain Marvel?" He asked. Valkyrie suddenly remembered her promise she made to him.

"Of course. 'First chance I get' remember?" Vandil smiled happily and suddenly reached out to hug her, much to Valkyrie's discomfort.

"Thank you." He almost whispered.

"I told you I would do something. I promised and I keep my promises."

"I know. And I'm truly grateful. It means a lot." He leaned back. "I'll let you get your rest." He took a couple of steps back and smiled gratefully again as he walked away contently.

Valkyrie felt a wave of guilt rush over her. She had forgotten about the promise at the time but she still accepted Carol's offer without hesitation.

She wasn't sure why she wanted to go to Berhert so much. But the promise wasn't it.

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