SCP-1548 - The Hateful Star

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Item #: SCP-1548

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Foundation satellites MALAKBEL-1 through 10 will monitor the south pole of the Sun for SCP-1548. Under Protocol Koyash-Veure, all Foundation space stations and off-planet bases within the solar system will have the monitoring of the Sun as their secondary mission objective. Connections will be maintained with major space agencies under Operation STYGIAN IRIS for enhanced monitoring of the anomaly, with accurate information on the phenomena restricted to specified personnel.

As it is not feasible to place limitations on all solar telescopes, it is expected that civilians will observe SCP-1548 on occasion. Foundation personnel embedded in scientific agencies will disseminate misleading information on SCP-1548 and all thaumaturgic symbols that manifest, describing them as unusual but natural phenomena. All other information of the anomaly and related symbols is subject to standard Foundation censorship protocols.

Description: SCP-1548 is the designation of various anomalous solar phenomena, primarily occurring at the south pole of the Sun. There are three types of known SCP-1548 events:

SCP-1548-1: Six equidistant ovular sunspots, approximately 40,000 km x 15,000 km in size, appear. The ends of the sunspots converge after 23 hours, often accompanied with the formation of a solar prominence that typically takes the shape of thaumaturgic symbols. A coronal mass ejection will then occur around the sunspots, lasting 11 hours, with the prominence dissipating after 5 hours.SCP-1548-2: Begins similarly to SCP-1548-1. A solar prominence then forms from the site of the sunspots and breaks off from the Sun, moving away from it and likely entering interstellar space. The event lasts for 2 hours.SCP-1548-3: Sunspots form thaumaturgical symbols, which range in size. This can occur in conjunction with other events or separately. Unlike the previous two phenomena, these sunspots do not commonly manifest in any single area.

The first recorded SCP-1548 event was on 17-May-1983, where an SCP-1548-3 event was observed, showing Thaumaturgic Symbol-2201-V1 (refer to Addendum.1). The event was classified as Extranormal Event-9008 until similar occurrences were observed, leading to the classification of SCP-1548.

Addendum.1 — Thaumaturgical Symbol Identification: The Department of Thaumaturgy has successfully identified and determined the nature of several symbols seen in SCP-1548. Below is a list of the symbols, denoted with "V" if they are a variation of the symbol ("V1" denotes the original or first discovered version of the symbol).

TS-2201-V1: Unnamed; only seen in SCP-1548. If inscribed on any telescopic device by a person with thaumaturgic abilities, the device will show psionic entities with malicious intent toward the user. After a total four hours of use, users without psionic abilities will experience symptoms of psychosis.TS-381-V2: Known as the Kalaphastian Isle among various occultist groups. When affixed or projected onto a material, it will strengthen the material, enhancing its ability to absorb kinetic and electromagnetic energy. Materials may be hidden from sight as well.TS-1817-V7: Known as the 12 Holy Owls of Serrinithium; origin among humans unknown. When the symbol is affixed to a weapon or object used with the intent to harm, any entity killed by the weapon will annihilate the immediate space around it. The size of the annihilation zone is proportional to the size of the entity killed. This annihilation zone has no effect on materials reinforced with TS-381.

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