SCP-818 - The Boy

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Item #: SCP-818

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Item #: SCP-818

Object Class: Neutralized (Previously Keter)

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-818 was confined in a circular area of no less than four meters across, with no object directly obscuring the walls. SCP-818's containment area contained: one (1) sleeping mattress, one (1) table, and one (1) light fixture, fitted with high wattage fluorescent light bulbs. SCP-818's cell was not, under any circumstances, rearranged, nor was the light turned off. Personnel were not permitted in SCP-818's holding cell, nor any area within an additional ten meters around the cell's perimeter, during its active times (from exactly 8:43 A.M. to 9:21 P.M). Personnel exposed to SCP-818's area of effect during its active time were reclassified to Class D and enrolled in SCP-818's test group.

The following document, attributed to the original project head Dr. █████ (19██ to 199█), was considered the major directive of the project for eight years and was given to each new member of the research staff. It is retained here for archival purposes:

It should be noted that SCP-818 is a creature of precise habits. It will follow a specific script[See Attached File SCP-818-Script], without fail each day, to the letter. Built into this model are the times of deviation during which SCP-818 must be closely monitored. It should go without saying that failure to note ANY AND ALL additional deviations could be disastrous.

Description: SCP-818 is a young male, appearing to be approximately seven to twelve years of age. Additionally, SCP-818 displays all the signs of severe autism. The examinations of on-site behaviorists and recovered medical records show that this condition has been present for SCP-818's entire life. SCP-818's physical features have a tendency to shift when active; however, during a resting state, it has been noted as having black hair and dark skin. SCP-818 cannot speak and possesses no known direct ability to communicate. SCP-818 has shown no need for nutrition or waste removal, but it has been recorded breathing and, presumably, sleeping. SCP-818 does not appear to age, and has been known to shift between heights (ranging from 1.17 to 1.84 meters) and weights (65 to 80 kilograms), making any determination impossible. This, coupled with the incomplete state of the recovered medical records, leaves much of SCP-818's history blank.

SCP-818 is potentially capable of changing the universe on a fundamental level, but its abilities are severely hampered by its disability. The changes it makes are presumably an attempt to make the world conform to how it perceives things: pigmentation in all objects has a tendency to shift and flow, utensils and tools take on strange shapes, and sounds will emanate from no discernible source. These effects have demonstrated a range of approximately ten meters.

SCP-818 has also shown the ability to spontaneously generate matter. Nebulous objects have been noted to appear, particularly after sessions in which SCP-818 has been doing a creative activity, such as coloring or finger painting [See EXPERIMENT LOG 818-1]. Most of these objects remain for less than a few minutes before vanishing again, though some have been recorded as staying for several hours. Because of this, SCP-818's holding cell has been gradually stripped of all materials that may be used for these purposes. None of the created objects move further than SCP-818's line of sight, leading to Dr. ████████'s hypothesis that SCP-818 is literally creating phosphenes, possibly caused by the contrast of the colors from the arts and crafts and the white walls of its cell. Further testing is required to determine if this is true.

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