Chapter One - The Book on my Door step

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song - By Myself by Christian French x Triegy

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song - By Myself by Christian French x Triegy

Raven's POV - Edited. 

Life isn't the greatest for me, you see I have a busy working family, my mother works twenty four seven and my father all his always on business trips and I have a sister who never talks to me. She grew up, moved out and never looked back. So here I am stuck at home most days, studying, reading, listening to music and painting.

It's what I did to pass time. But what I liked most, was to sit back and relax. I loved to sip on a beverage, whilst reading a novel alone. I had so many book, too many that I felt cramped at times looking at my collection. But there was always one book that tickled me pink, that made me cry, laugh and sigh and that was Harry potter. 

It was currently Friday the 13th of September. It was late afternoon and my mother had texted me letting me know neither her or my father would be home until Sunday. So I sat back in bed in solidarity with my book as Mr Puffle snuggled up against me. He was like a cloud of black fluff, sometimes he never ceases to amaze me how big he can get. 

I felt tears prick at my eye's as I read the last couple pages of the deathly hollows, it was always the best and worst part of the books. The only reason I had seemed to hate it so much was that I was indeed in love with Fredrick Weasley. Many people who were avid fans of the books never really seemed to pay much attention to the twins, but I absolutely love them. They both are my favourite characters. However Fred seemed to always have  soft place in my heart. I slammed the book shut as I came close to his death, and looked up at my picture covered wall, lost in the blur tears as they ran down my face. 

"Ohh Mr Puffle's why do I cry every time" I whined looking back down at my fat kitty cat, he purred looking up contently at me meowing at my stare. "Don't give me that judging stare... I know for a fact that you're saying 'Goddam women pull it together'" I knew if Mr puffle could roll his eyes right now he would. I looked away from my kitty and reached over from under my covers to pick up my cold beverage of diet coke. "ohhh yummy" I took a sip and glanced down at Mr Puffle.

"You know Mr Puffle I wish that I could save Fred. The guy deserves a freaking life, he had a successful business with his brother, he was waiting for his true love to find him. Like boy come on why does the fictional world have to kill off all the best characters" I looked up at the ceiling shaking one of my hands in a fist.

 Mr puffle's meowed again, and I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard the doorbell ring.

 "No one's meant to come over are they Mr puffle's" I shifted out from under my warm covers and slipped on my bunny slippers.

 I ran down stairs and glanced out the window next to the door to see no one in sight, but then something strange caught my attention, a box of all things. I opened the door and walked out bending over to pick up the small book shaped box. I looked around at the quiet neighbourhood, and there was not a soul in sight, and I can tell you right now I would see someone if they would of dropped something on my porch. 

I didn't think much of it at the time, so I shook it off shrugging my shoulder's going back inside with the box before I got to cold from the winter wind. Shutting the front door behind me with the click of the lock, I looked down at the box.

 It was just plain cardboard box, but it had some weight to it. I carried it up with me to my bedroom to find Mr puffle's sound asleep in my spot on the bed. "Ohh come on dude.. that's my spot" I whined sitting down on the end of the bed. Looking down at the mysterious package I had received. Maybe it wasn't for me though...

But as I thought those words, my name appeared on the box, but not my name something so familiar it made my head ache. Andromeda Padfoot Moony Lupin Potter, "What the hell... is this some kind of freaky joke, who would know my fan fiction character from watt-pad, let along know who wrote that stupid story..." I shook my head in a confused state as I stared at the box. I shook it off, ripping open the box to come face to face with a novel, not any novel though it seems to be the fan fiction novel I wrote when I was a silly young pre-teen. 

I almost laughed at it, but I had noticed the book seemed to be thicker then what I had succeed at writing. I pulled out the thick thing and examined some of the chapters as I flipped through. "You've got to me kidding me I didn't even write some of this" but then somebody's words filtered in through my mind.

 'But you did Raven, you believed so much, that the story of your life will come true. The one you dream of in your mind... You'll even save your soulmate...' My eyes bulged as I heard that voice in my head, I dropped the book from my hands and stood up from the end of my bed. 

"This is some freaky joke and I'm going crazy in the head from being alone so long..." I shook my head trying to not think about it, but then the voice came back again.

'Don't be silly Raven, your destiny will become one with you, don't fight it' I shook my head looking stupidly at the ceiling as I paced in my bedroom.

"What the hell do you mean mysterious silly voice, how am I fighting what... Agh why do I even bloody bother, this is all stupid" I grabbed my face groaning in frustration as I continued to pace back and forth in my bedroom. "Im going crazy that is the only explanation" I huffed at myself sitting back down on the edge of my bed.

 All of a sudden though I felt this surge of pain run throughout my body, and it hurt like a bloody bitch, I bit my lip leaning hunched over on the end of my bed.

"Mother fucker..." then seconds later another surge of strange burning pain hit me, this time it pushed all the air out of my lungs and I face planted on the ground of my bedroom. 

I groaned flipping over onto my back looking up at the ceiling. My face burned in agony, then my stomach and my back and I felt the strange sensation of my bones cracking as my body changed. 

"what's happening" I screamed out clutching my chest. 

I heard a sudden thud next to my head, and I glanced over to see Mr puffle's looking very concerned. I reached out but he seemed to be startled by something behind me, I glanced over and was shocked as I saw this dark shadowy thing forming in mid air, but what was even stranger was it was coming from the book I had received on my door step. "What kind of freaky shit is happening" then everything went black... and as my eyes closed shut from feeling so weak I heard that same voice echo in my thoughts

'Shall your life be changed, but your world will be the same... finding and saving the one you truely love' damm voice got poetic on me, Jesus this is just one freaky situation. 

It was like everything was fading, my body being pulled apart piece by piece.. I gasped my eyes opening one more time before it all disappeared in a dark pit of darkness. 


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