Chapter Three - DC Legends of Tomorrow

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Song- The Promise By Sam Tsui & Casey Breves

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Song- The Promise By Sam Tsui & Casey Breves

Raven's POV - Edited

I stared curiously at myself in the mirror, this person was someone I'd only imagined in my mind. An edgy alter ego, I'd only dreamed of for years. But here she was, I was her and she was staring back at me in the mirror. I still looked like myself, but there were so many differences that someone who knew me wouldn't recognise me. I glanced over my appearance, my hair was longer bright ginger to be exact, my eyes were two different colours, one was blue and one was free and my face had three huge claw marks across one side of my face. I touched them, remembering back to that horrible night, just winching at the though it made me feel sick. I double checked I had everything, and again as I listed off what I should have on me. 

1. Wand - check
2. Satchel with all my books and essential Nic Nacs -  check
3. My baring - not totally but it'll do
4. Mr puffle - check

I looked down at the big fat kitty cat, and he looked up meowing me. "Yes come on Mr Puffles" he was always a good cat, he still to this day seems to oddly understand me and follow me everywhere I go.

 Unfortunately it breaks my heart when I have to leave him at home, he claws at the window always giving me a sorrowful look. I opened my bedroom door, and glanced both ways down the long hallway of the upstairs of the physical kids cottage. No one, it seemed dead silent.... weird if you ask me, from vague memory someone would always be partying, or drunk or even just shouting for the fun of it.

I believe Quentin heard my door, because only seconds later down the hall his door clicked open and he peaked his head out. I waved shyly at him, and he knew almost instantly what was about to go down. He rushed out of his room shutting the door behind him waltzing up to my side. 

"So... you're really going to do this" I nodded at Quentin as I thought about it more.

" I have to Quentin. I showed you what my life was like and how I got here... I obviously have to do this" Quentin blatantly rolled his eyes at me as we stood in the abandoned hallway.

"Yeah okay... I'm happy for you Dromeda I am, but it doesn't stop me from worrying about you. You'll always have a home here..." I laughed at him, knowing one day i'd probably be back. From what I can remember from the story I wrote when I was younger, I did end up coming back... But thats a story for another time. 

"I appreciate it Quentin, and don't worry about me okay.. Ill be fine I promise" I pulled him into a hug, he only tensed for a second but returned the hug with a tight one. I pulled away looking him in the eyes. "Now listen to me... I know this is going to sound crazy but can you trust me" he nodded not saying a word listening to what i had to say. "It's the future, I'm not going to tell you whats going to happen but I want to tell you. Don't hesitate in forgiving, just forgive people okay... You never know how much time you have left" I smiled sadly at Quentin and he returned the smile back.

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