Chapter Four - Mr Puffles Adventure

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Song- Waves by Dean Lewis

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Song- Waves by Dean Lewis

Third Person POV

The overly protective Mr Puffles seemed very concerned over his owners state, well more along the lines that he knew that he had to do something. You see Mr Puffles wasn't your ordinary cat, in Ravens world they had magic but not the same as magic in this world. In Ravens world Mr Puffles is what you call a familiar.

He protects his owner, and more along the lines for Mr puffle, protects Raven from herself. You see Raven is magical, she always has been... but to protect her in a way that she isn't discovered requires for a familiar to cover her tracks, and Mr Puffles quickly feel in line and in love with his new magical owner. Even if he couldn't protect her from her own father, he still did in a way that kept her alive and out of sight of evil people in the magical realm of her world.

Mr Puffles trotted away quickly towards the extravagant castle, and felt an urge to find a particular person, he knew from when Raven was little that there was a boy to which she wrote about in her stories... that being a boyish red head with a troublesome life style, was none other then a guy named Fred Weasley. Of course Mr Puffles didn't know exactly where to go, but he still managed to find his way to the Gryffindor common room as he conversed with a cranky old lady cat called Mrs Norris which in his eyes was entertaining to say the least. As he made his way up one of the many staircases, he paced up and down the hallways until his eyes landed on a bunch of names posted on a door ...

Lee Jordan
George Weasley
Fred Weasley

He walked up to the door and looked up at the handle, how to get in he thought. But being a familiar came with it's perks, in an instant he thought of what he wanted and it happened. The door clicked open and Mr Puffles waltzed into the dark dorm room, which smelled oddly of gunpowder and socks... as the feline looked around he was drawn to a particular boy, and he knew straight away it was the boy Raven had written about. He ran over to the loud snoring boy and jumped up onto his bed, walking up the body of the boy the feline looked down at his sound face, all scrunched up snoozing away. He would laugh if he was human but instead he swatted the boys face, and after doing again and again the boy groaned peaking one eye open, and then it happened the boys eyes widened and he screamed, sending poor Mr Puffles to the ground. Mr Puffles hissed at the boy, because one you don't just throw a cat like that... like have some respect and two it really did hurt to land on all four feet. He looked up at the boy as he rubbed his eyes and groaned in annoyance. Mr Pufles continued to pestered him though.

Fred's POV

I'd say being woken up by a very fat and annoying black cat was normal, but it was most definitely not normal. I looked down at the sneaky bugger from my bed and he stared me straight in the eyes. It was if the thing had something against me.... he began meowing and a heard groans chorus from around the room.

"Fred shut that cat up.." I heard George moan from the bed next to me, then Lee decided to pipe in.

"We don't even have a cat... who's is it" that curved my curiosity as Lee said that, so I got up from my spot carefully making my way over to the angry looking cat and crouched down looking at his collar.

"It say's his name is Mr Puffles" definitely made my cruisoty spike further, because I knew for a fact no one owned a cat by that name in Gryffindor, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff... I wasn't sure about Slytherin but I doubt someone would because they'd be teased about the poor thing constantly. "I think we might have ourselves a stray boys" they both groaned snuggling back into their beds, as if they wanted to ignore my existence. I rolled my eyes at both of the baboons, and picked up the purring fat cat, who might I say has a bi-polar attitude... One minute he is happy and the next cranky. Slipping on some slippers, I made my way out of the boy's dorm room and down to the common room. "do you want some milk boy, you look thirsty to me" the cat meowed in happiness at me, so I made my way out of the common room and down to the kitchens.

However before I could make it there, the cat jumped out of my arms and to one of the entrances of the school. Stupid me followed the damm thing though... what you can't just leave a kitty to fend for itself. I followed the cat outside, and it seemed to keep looking back and forth from me to the forest path to the entrance of the school, it was as if it was making sure I was following him. After about a few minutes the kitty stop, I was still a few metres away but as i stepped closer I saw a girl... she laid on the forest ground motionless and pale. A knife sticking out of her stomach, and in all the emotions  Mr Puffles the cat I had found looked very distressed. I rushed over to the girls side, and crouched down to her. I could tell she was still breathing but just. Her eyes flickered open and she caught sight of me.

"Hi there" she squeaked, it was almost adorable, except fro the fact she looked like death and was barely breathing. 

"Im going to help you okay, just stay still" I picked up the bag which laid next to the girl and swung it over my shoulder, then I hoisted her body into my arms. She instantly cringed with pain as I positioned her in my arms, but her face almost immediately soften. 

"Thanks... I think I would of died if I stayed laying there any longer..." she coughed the last of her words out and some blood dribbled from the side of her mouth... "Sorry" her eyes looked sad almost, but I dusted it off rushing to the hospital. I honestly just didn't want to freak the poor girl out anymore then she already was. 

"It's all good" I smiled looking down into her eyes. We finally made it the the hospital wing and I smashed the door open, making a lot of noise mind you, to which Madam Pomfry came rushing out looking all angry. But as she laid her eyes upon the girl, they soften. 

"ohh my goodness... Mr Weasley bring the girl over" I laid the girl upon one of the many hospital beds, and she groaned out in pain. 

"ahh sorry" her eyes met mine.

"It's okay" her eyes became soft, but soon rolled into the back of her head as she passed out... most likely from the pain. I Stumbled back from all that had happened in the matter of minutes and landed down on my own bed in a sort of shock. Without even noticing Madam Pomfry pushed me down into the bed and handed me a vile of something, and not even thinking i swallowed the contents passing out shortly after.


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