Chapter Thirteen - Conversations in Dark Hallways

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song - She moves in her own Way by the Kooks

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song - She moves in her own Way by the Kooks

Andromeda's POV-  Edited. 

It was actually quite a surprising day to say the least, I had a lot of fun and I actually understood more then eighty percent of what the professors said. However, Fred not so much, I was only in maybe two of his classes alongside his twin George but they pretty much complained the entire time I was around them. Let's just say getting an education is definitely and will never be there career path. They even managed to play a prank or two on students on ours classes, much to my surprise how stealthy they were. 

So my time spent with them was more then entertaining, and I did do my work but Fred in particular seemed to pull my attention. I couldn't help it, his infectious laugh and contagious smile couldn't but make me stop and stare. By the time I had classes alone and with people I didn't know, it helped me focus on what I needed to do today. My goal was to write a letter to my father, I wanted to know more about him but I also wanted him to feel that I wanted this. I knew that Remus was the type of person to second guess everything, even his own life at times. After wiring my letter I even went on to research the book I'd recovered from Rory, it was interesting to say the least. The text, the structure of the language it was like nothing I'd ever seen before. 

As I read quietly walking towards the common room, I was disrupted from the text when somebody pulled me roughly out of nowhere into a dark corridor. I jumped ten feet in the air to turn and see George, my hair turned a snow white colour and I slammed my book as I tried to stabilise me breathing. 

"Why hello George..." surprise reached George's face as he looked down at me. Was it so hard to believe I could tell the apart, the mere look on George's face tells me there nowhere near used to being unidentified. 

"I still don't understand how you can do that in such a short period of time.. How?" A smug smiled reached my face as George said that, and I thought back on how I study all of the characters so throughly. I must say I was a definitely a Harry Potter fan in my younger years.

"It's just a talent George... Andromeda know's all" I giggled at my own words pulling the books from my last class tight to my chest as I waited for George to continue what ever he wanted to ask me. 

"Well... I don't know I was going to say something, oh that's it I know I don't know you so well or even Fred but I wanted you to know that I can see the way he looks at you" I rolled my eyes as those words left George's mouth.

"Why is everyone saying things like that about Fred.... he doesn't like me like that he probably never will, nobody ever has" It was so natural to say something like that. From my life as Raven I'd been a low loser nerd of my high school food chain, and not only that whenever a boy showed any interest it would be apart of a bet or prank on me. I tried walking away but George pulled me back. 

"Don't say that Andromeda people can like you like that, and I've got to say it pretty much is plastered all over my brothers face. He won't shut up about you, to be honest its at the point of driving me mad.. but forget what I said if your not ready to believe me that he likes you. Then that's okay... to be honest Fred is a tough nut to crack, his the loudest out of both of us and well he doesn't give up" I pulled out of George's grip and shook my head with a wide grin.

"No you both don't give up, just like I know you won't give up on your dreams to own a joke shop" he keys went wide and he smiled as I looked up at him with one.

"So you do listen" I glanced out of one of the windows near Gryffindor tower.

"I always listen... anyway I wanted to ask the question again how's life keeping you?" George laughed as I asked that question and I lifted an eyebrow in amusement.

"I gotta say life is well actually but I've been having this strange feeling lately like I'm missing something. Life feels like it's unbalanced maybe I'm just going crazy, but then again maybe its Fred that's driving me up the wall with all this talk about you" I shook my head laughing a little at George's dramatic arm movements. He could be such a kid, but that's what made me smile at the end of the day. It's how the twins can make someone smile, lighten they're mood.. in this slowly darkening world. 

"Maybe you should prank your own brother to get him back on track, you two are inventing new products aren't you" it was as if a light bulb lit up in George's head. 

"your a genius Andromeda" with out saying another word George ran off in the opposite direction of the dorm room and I looked back seeing him disappear in the distance.

"what do you mean? why am I such a genius about... come on George why leave a girl hanging" I groaned in both annoyance and amusement at the other Weasley Twin i've come to talk very much to. "Boy's why the hell are they so difficult"

"I'd say because they're oblivious to everything" Hermione voice piped in and I almost jumped ten feet in the air out of sheer terror, there was noway I'd be loosing the white hair today. I'd become better at controlling it as of late, but when I get scared more then once a day the white seems to stick. 

"Merlin's beard... Hermione don't do that to me" I turned to see it wasn't just her but also Ginny by her side, they both started to laugh uncontrollably. "Honestly am I that funny" I shook my head turning around so that I could head into the common room, I made my way over to one of the fireplaces and sat down nuzzling myself into the sofa. I heard footsteps follow me in and sit down close by, I looked up to see the girls.

"So how was your first offical day at Hogwarts" I looked away from the two and stared smiling at the fire.

"It was honestly one of the best days I've had in a long time... somewhat normal if you know what I mean" I glanced up at the two smiling girls as they looked at me taking in my response.

"Yeah I understand at least its not holidays yet... I definitely don't need another day with all my brothers in the one house, god knows its a mad house" as I listened to Ginny babble about her full house of brothers. I thought about my own life, in the matter of a short time I've lived two life times over and it has honestly got me stumped. The one thing I remember was the life as a girl with her stories, with no place to go... but now I'm here... But being apart of more than one world, makes me think about the others. 


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