Chapter Fifteen - Nightmares

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Song - Time by Hans Zimmer

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Song - Time by Hans Zimmer

Andromeda's POV - Edited

I finally made it back to the dorms and the night took a turn for the worse, as the thunder rolled in and the skies turned a dark miserable black with no trace of the once star lit sky. Everything inside of me panicked, I don't know why but it did. As I walked into the common room, still lit by the roaring fire, I looked around quickly for my discarded book to stumble upon it with a sleeping kitty on top. 

"Why hello there Mr puffle's" The little kitty meowed tiredly and I lifted him into my arms with one swift move. "Well I think it's way pass our bed time don't you think" I made my way over to the girl dorm stairs when I heard the opening of the portrait. I glanced over to see an upset Fred as he shook his face furiously to himself. 

"Stupid... What the hell is wrong with you" I quickly hurried up the stairs in hopes Fred didn't see I was there and listening to him talk to himself, but it was just something inside of me that made me want to. I didn't want to make him upset, and I wanted to tell him but it's jut so hard to these days. Being who I am, where I came from all the problems I had experienced or the events which it led to between my father and I its just been so hard to open up to things such a relationship or even just generally trusting someone. I took one last glance at Fred as he swears at himself, and turned away rushing up the stairs with Mr Puffle's in hand.

As I tiptoed into the dorm all the girls seemed to be snoring peacefully, I signed putting Mr Puffles down and rushed getting dressed into my nightware. As I crawled into bed that night, my gut ached thinking about my father and Fred. I wanted so desperately to trust Fred, and share my life with him.. but then I think about my father from my old life and it scares me to pieces. 

 I didn't necessarily see Fred in my father, but both of them being of the male species well it indeed scared me, what if Fred did something like that to me. I shook my head trying to not think what he would be capable of ... especially something as such as that, but growing up with someone like my father it's hard to shake the thought of something so scary... feeling vulnerable... feeling useless. That's exactly how I felt when I was all alone with that man, I know now that I'm here he can't get me, but just the thought of his smile made me shiver. 

I tossed and turned that night waking multiple times, by the time the early morning rolled around my nightmares seemed to ravage my mind waking me with fright. I screamed Scrambling from my bed falling to the ground. I heard moans all round as Hermione, Ginny and Lavender jumped out of their beds lighting the room with their wands. I myself was tucked in my blankets shivering from the nightmare I'd just injured. 

"Andromeda...What's wrong?" I glanced up to see Hermione out of her mind in worry as she looked at me for a response. I didn't respond, but instead looked back down rocking to myself as I thought about my father's face. "Dammit.. Something must of definitely freaked her out.. what are we gonna do?" from what I could tell Hermione asked Ginny but the girl seemed all the much confused of the situation. 

"I..I don't know maybe we should fetch Fred.. He can come up with a girl in hand if we invite him" I only barely heard them, but my mind seemed to drift to another world as my nightmares started to consume me in real time. His face flashed before me, that smile flashing in my mind over and over burning its way into my memory. 

"it's worth a try.. you go get him and I'll search for Mr puffle's he also seems to cheer her up..." without another word or even without Hermione look, Mr Puffle jumped off of the bed and crawled into my lap. Snapping my mind only barely out of my thoughts, I looked down at the fur ball as he purred contently in my lap. "Well... he certainly know's when someone's talking about him" I didn't look up at Hermione, I couldn't I didn't want to break in front of someone I call a friend. Trying to explain why I was like this, it was too hard.. too long to explain the hardship I'd endured. I heard the rushing of footsteps grow closer to the dorms as I mindless looked out at the window as the sun beamed through. The door slammed open as I felt the presence of someone sit down beside me. 

"Dromeda.." his hand only slightly touched me when I flinched. I looked over at Fred as defeat seemed to fill his features. "Please Andromeda don't shut me out.. what's wrong? " before he could continue Hermione cut in.

"We are all gonna leave you two alone" Hermione aggressively pushed Ginny and Lavender along as Ginny smirked at me and Lavender winked. I knew exactly what they had on there minds, but that was currently one thing I wasn't thinking about. We both looked back at each other as my face seemed emotionless I knew at any moment I might break. I could feel my hair change colour and Fred looked up at it. 

"Y..You're sad... scared" I looked away hiding my face trying not to show the tears threatening to spill. This time when Fred grabbed me I didn't flinch. "Please Andromeda, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong.." a tear slipped down my face as I looked up at his sadden face. Without any warning I buried my head into Fred's chest and started to cry.

 "Shhh it's gonna be okay" in this moment I felt like pulling away, but I knew if I did then I knew I couldn't face him again if I did. In my book I've always hated pushing people away, it was actually one of the main reasons why I was such a loner. I did't want to let people in and show my emotion, I didn't want them to find out about what happened to me. If you looked at a person you knew that was abused and thought ohh that was easy to gather.. then you'd be entirely wrong. It isn't only the girls and boys who are bruised and batter, but it can also be the one's that look entire normal. Just like myself, I'm bruised and batter in another way... Invisibly to the eye I'm a child of abuse. 


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