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Lily didn't see Lysander until the next morning, and the common room was far too crowded to pounce on him, so the group tagged along a ways behind the rest of the Ravenclaws on the way to breakfast. "What'd he say?" Lily asked.

Lorcan looked like he did not want to answer, his gaze glued to the floor. "He wouldn't talk. It's been getting worse, he just talks less and less, I haven't heard his voice in almost a month now! I'm his twin! I was standing there, yelling at him, screaming at him to answer me, and he just shook his head, as if I was supposed to know what they meant." Lorcan  looked up at Lily then, eyes pleading. "He's not a bad guy, he's not hurting anyone, I know it."

"Hey, Lorcan, I never accused your brother. I still think we shouldn't jump to conclusions. Innocent until proven guilty." Lily assured him, though her mind was turning gears. It was rather odd that Lorcan refused to answer him.

"But also guilty until proven innocent!" Hugo chimed in. He was right, of course. As much as Lorcan didn't want to believe it, there was no proof either way. Still, Lily gave Hugo a pointed glare, and he apologized quietly.

"Come on, Lorcan, I'm sure that everything will work out as planned. Let's get breakfast, okay?" Lily asked, worried about her friend's well being. He nodded and they started toward the Great Hall, but it wasn't long before Albud found them.

"Lily!" He called, catching up to the three of them. "I.. um," he looked at her friends and bit his lip. "That book I was reading. I.. found some interestgn stuff. I know I told you I couldn't tell you, but that was stupid of me. When you've got the time, maybe the two of us could look over it. Oh, and your friends can come too."

My jaw dropped. Albus was actually going to help me, and let me help him? "Why are you getting mixed up in this? Won't it ruin your Head Boy reputation?" She asked, a little sharper than she had meant to.

He looked conflicted and rubbed the back of his neck, glancing at her friends, and Lily got the message. "Hey, you guys go ahead, I'll be in later." She said. They nodded and left, both giving her pointed looks to fill them in later. Albus pulled her down the corridor and around the corner.

"I got to thinking about what I said and what I'm doing, and why you'd care and I got it, you know. I get it. I'm doing this the for the same reason you are. I don't want to be just another Potter. James is already famous and people love him. How am I.. How are we supposed to live up to the Potter name?" He asked. Lily saw the terror in his eyes, something she didn't see often, but understood better than anything.

"Okay." She old him, and that's all she had to say, a small smile spreading across his face. She knew what he felt like, she know his terror.

His eyes flicked off to the side. "Don't look but that Scamander twin is watching us." Lily looked anyway.

Lysander was leaning against the wall, obviously not realising he was staring, but was intrigued by the sight in front of him. When Lily looked at him, he looked embarrased, and gave her a small smile. It wasn't a genuine smile, but it wasn't cold, and it certainly wasn't a Slytherin reaction.

When Lily got back to her common room after classes, there was a girl sitting beside her bed, trying to lure her cat with an open palm. Everey was hiding under the bed having not of it. The girl was darker skinned than the twins, and had short and wild, poofy midnight black hair. Lily looked at the cat hidden. She hadn't seen her cat in a while, since she was always out roaming the grounds. "Um.. Hi," She said to the girl, in a friendly tone. The girl jumped at her voice, causing Everey to dash off to Merlin only knew where.

"Oh sorry!" The girl stood and looked at Lily with big brown eyes and a smile on her face, revealing straight rows of white teeth. "I'm Maybelle. Maybelle Thomas. And your Lily Potter aren't you?" She asked, pointing at the trunk with Lily's name on it. She didn't give her time to reply before she continued. "Harry Potter's daughter! I think your brilliant! I wanted to approach you earlier but I was so nervous. And your kitten started meowing. I thought she wanted to be petted, but she doesn't seem to like me."

Lily couldn't help but smile. The girl was very sweet and reminded her a lot of Lorcan, though obviously more shy, but she seemed to want to overcome her shyness. "Thanks, her name is Everey.." Lily said, they both looked off in the direction the cat had ran. "Well, there's no need to be shy, your more than wecome to sit with Lorcan, Hugo, and me for dinner tonight." Lily told her, looking forward to her company.

Maybelle smiled like this was the best day of her life. "I'd love that."

And Lorcan loved it too. Someone as hyper and chatty as him? Lily herself had though it impossible. She at first hough her and Lorcan were similar, but he proved to be too talkative, not that there was anythign wrong with that, but Lily enjoyed peace and quiet, so he got along with Maybelle quite well.

Lily kept looking at the Slytherin table, at her brother, but she noticed that Lysander was doing the same thing. His striking eyes found hers, and for a moment the two stared at each other, until Lysander's gaze flicked to Lorcan, then he looked away.

He left dinner early, and that made Lily awfully suspicious. "Hey, guys I think we should follow Lysander." She said, without thinking.

Lorcan looked a little offended, but also hurt and defeated. "Why? To learn where the Slytherin common room is, because I promise you that's where he's going." Lorcan replied, though his conviction wasn't in it. Directly after dinner, he went straight to bed.

"He's going to the Forbidden Forest isn't he?" Hugo asked, but Lily shrugged, genuinely unsure.

"Why would a student go to the Forbidden Forest. Its forbidden." Maybelle said. Lily looked at Hugo and nodded as though she had a point. She was going to be thier friend. But could they trust her?

Excusing themselve, Hugo and Lily did go to the Forbidden Forest, but it was a bust. Not only did they not see a single sign of Lysander, they got completely lost. It was a stupid idea anyway, and the two were pretty terrified, after the stories they'd heard.

"Lily, I don't like this.." Hugo whimpered, jumping at every sound. Lily was afraid to, but the kind of afraid one could enjoy, like when you wathed a scary movie, or entered a haunted house attraction at a fair.

It took them almost an hour to find their way out, and the cresent moon was high in the sky then. When they reached the edge of the woods, they were greeted by James, standing as though he was waiting for them specifically, a parchment in his hand.

"What are you doing here?" Lily asked, both angry at him and terribly confused. Jealous of him. But too exhausted to do anything about it.

"Just looking for you." He answered, a smile playing on his lips as he always had when he teased Lily, and he shoved the paper into his robes. "I was going to come find you, but you guys looked like you had everything under control."

"What's that?" She asked, walking towards him, and trying to see the paper again.

He smiled a lazy smile all the Hogwarts girls swooned over. "Nothing." he replied, simply. Lily pursed her lips them jumped at him, reaching for the paper. It was a feeble attempt, but James laughed as he grabbed both of her wrists in one hand, and Lily couldn't help but smile, too.

She watched James closely as they walked back to the castle. James liked seeing her mad, and he liked seeing the gears turn in her head as he tried desperately to figure something out. Lily had figured out that that was why he teased her a long time ago. It was an older brother thing, she figured, but LIly didn't like satisfying it.

"James, how did you know I was in the Forbidden Forest?" She asked, knwoing the effect it would have, and almost instantaneously, his smile broadened.

"Wish I could tell you, Lils," He was the only one who called her Lils. She thought it was a ridiculous nickname, because it wasn't any shorter than Lily.

"James-" She started, but he groaned, cutting her whining off.

"Tell you what. Here." He pulled out the parchment which was blank and folded in a confusing way, and he handed it to her. "When you figure it out, be sure to thank me." Then, he looked at Hugo. "Why are you always so quiet?"

Lily Potter and the Cycles of the Moon. {Year One} [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now