[02] seeing her.

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w o r d s: 2563

p a g e s: 10

I'm in my bathroom getting ready to record some songs for the album and write some as well. I do my vocal exercises to warm up my throat before I enter the studio. I make some tea to sooth and wake up my throat more. A yawn escapes me it's way to early for this shit but worth it. I love doing this still. I shoot Miracle a good morning text even though she won't be up at this ungodly hour but it wouldn't feel right without saying it. I can still feel her in my arms. I can still feel her soft lips against my cheek. I can see her in my dreams.

I make my way to start work. Usually, I dread working all day with minimal breaks in between but today I felt good, like really good I unlock my phone to see Miracle on my home screen. God, how much did I drink last night? I hope I didn't send anything too bad to Miracle. Oh god if I did, I wouldn't live with myself if I did. I stopped at Starbucks to get another coffee. It feels so strange to be at a Starbucks and not run into the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I'm becoming obsessed with her every day it's becoming a problem.

I get to the studio with coffee in hand. The sun isn't up yet it's four am it won't be up for a while. I was warmly greeted by my manager and other people. "Morning Adam" my manager pats me on the back. "Morning" I say tiredly. "Long work a head of us" someone claps their hands together. I'm so disoriented I don't even know who said it. I hum in response as I drink my coffee. I take out my phone to see if Miracle texted me, of course not she's asleep peacefully like I want to right now. "Who are you waiting for to text you?" my manager asked with a smirk. "Nobody" I say stuffing it in my back pocket and began to record.

I was finally done with the recording session it was going around noon and I'm starving and so fucking tired I could pass out. I reach out for my phone seeing if she texted me. She did.

[collisioned miracle] hey! good morning what were you up doing so early?

[adam] gotta do work, babe.

[collisioned miracle] babe, eh? Well, are you done for the day?

[adam] yep, what are you up too?

[collisioned miracle] I'm on lunch break, right now so you're saving me from absolute boredom.

[adam] can I join?

[collisioned miracle] aren't you tired?

[adam] very, very tired but I want to spend time with you.

[collisioned miracle] well, I'm at chick-fil-a so come by.

[adam] I'm on my way!

I start my car and stop at home to change into something more civil. I want to look presentable for her even though she wouldn't care what I look like I bet. I text her when I get home saying I'm taking a quick shower and change into something else. She tells me to take her time because people barely go in there anyways. I laugh going in my bathroom. I didn't shower this morning because I was so tired. I start it and look through my shit finding a shirt and pants. I chose on a white silky shirt with palm tree leaves on it and of course, black jeans. I walk back to the bathroom to actually shower.

After my well needed shower, I styled my hair quickly got changed and went my way too Chick-fil-a. There had to be Los Angelis traffic OF COURSE. I groan in frustration. "COME ON!" I frustratedly state. Miracle texted me saying she's lonely I laugh sending her a photo of the traffic. She replied with an oh damn. We were now moving again and I finally arrive at Chick-fil-a. I park and get out. I see Miracle looking at her phone with an eyeroll and placed it on the table. "Hey" I say as I approach her. "Hey" she gets up and hugs me. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her temple without even thinking about it. "So, how was work so far?" I asked as I sat for a few before I ordered. "Boring as frick but it's better now" she smiled softly.

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