[14] he's paying a visit.

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w or d s: 798

p a g e s: 3

Its been a week since I got voted off the Voice and today Adam's coming to spend time with me. I've been watching all my friends going through and some leaving which is heartbreaking but I'm glad that they made it that far in the competition. Matty meows for food. "Matty, I already fed you" I say scratching the calico. He meows again. "Matty, no" I say scratching his head. He jumps up onto the counter. "Matty" I scold which makes him meow louder. "Don't talk back to me, mister" I scolded. Matty is the sassiest cat I've ever owned. He hops down and rolled in his food dish. "Ugh! Fine, you win" I give in feeding Matty.

I was getting packed for my parent's house. They are going on a trip for their anniversary and I'm house sitting with Adam. My parents don't know that though. They're going to be gone for three weeks. Three weeks of pure bliss with Adam. We haven't seen each other in a few days, he's been busy with the voice which is understandable. I'm so excited to spend three weeks with the love of my life. I hummed happily as I packed a small bag for me and my feline son. My parents live two neighborhoods down from me so if I ever forget anything I can always come back here and get it. "Okay, Matt" I say going back into the kitchen. He was sunbathing in a little patch of sunlight. "Want to go to your grandparents house?" I scratched his ears. He purrs at my touch. "Let's go, baby" I tell him getting his harness. Matty is like a dog, he enjoys car rides.

We arrived at my parent's house when they started packing up the car. "Hey honey!" my dad smiled. "Hi!" I say as Matty meows happily wagging his tail. Matty jumped out of the window and went running to my mom. "Matty! Come back here" I laugh parking and getting out. "Hello, Matty" mom kissed the top of his head. "Are you two ready?" I asked hugging my dad. "Yep, be good okay?" dad asked. "Of course, dad" I playfully roll my eyes. "Thanks for doing this, Miracle" mom says giving Matty to me. "You're welcome, mom" I say smiling as she hugged me. "So, when is Adam coming?" she clapped her hands. "I don't know, mom later tonight maybe?" I say. Mom nods. "I'll text you when he arrives though" I say. "Please do" she smiled. "Okay, I will" I laughed. Mom is absolutely in love with Adam. Who isn't? He's amazing. I watch my parents leave and headed in the house. I let down Matty and he goes running to his cat tree. He loves that thing. I walk to my bedroom to unpack the little things even though I have all my shit I need here.

Adam texts me saying he's on his way. I did a happy jig and rushed into the kitchen to make dinner also to feed Matty. He wanders to jump on his cat tree. His tail wagging happily and his ears twitch backwards then forwards. I smiled as I cooked. I was cooking my mom's famous baked mac and cheese with bacon sprinkled on top. It's the best thing ever. As I was cooking, I put on some slow indie music. I love listening to music whilst cooking it's the best feeling in the world. I was in my zone when I heard a knock at the door. I wipe my hands on my apron and walk to the door. Adam was standing there with a HUGE bouquet of rainbow roses. "Wow, hello" I say as I was greeted with a kiss. "Hey" he smiled as Matty meows happily jumping down from his tree to meet his favorite person. "Hi Matty" Adam knelt down to pick him up. "He absolutely loves you, you know" I say. "Well, I love him" he smiled. "Good" I laughed. "What are you cooking by the way?" Adam asked as I go into the kitchen. "A surprise" I smirk. "Ominous" he laughs setting down Matty. "Don't worry, baby" I pat his cheek. I just noticed that he'd shaven. He looks like a teen.

After dinner, we watched shit TV until midnight. I was so tired I fell asleep in Adam's arms. I missed this, so much. I can feel his arms pick me up and go to my childhood bedroom. "Sweet dreams,baby girl" Adam whispered to me and kissed my forehead. I smiled softly. "Don'tleave me" I mumble reaching out to him. "Never, baby" he whispered back comingin the bed with me. "I'm never leaving" he repeats.

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