[09] impressing him.

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w o r d s: 2017

p a g e s: 6

It was the next day and I was practicing my song when there was a knock at my door. "Coming!" I say turning down the music. I was wearing a yellow plaid dress that ties around the neck. my hair was curled and in a high pony tail. I felt like a 50's house wife. I open the door and Adam was there with a single rose. He was wearing a white undershirt and nice pants and shoes. "Wow" I look at him. "Wow yourself, ready wife?" he asked. "Wh-what?" I looked at him. "You look like a fifty's house wife" he laughs as I let him in. "Oh, right well I need to put this in a glass. "Alright, where's Mari?" he asked nervously. "She's somewhere" I laughed. "Right, right" Adam wraps arms around my waist. I giggle kissing his cheek. "So, ready for the picnic?" Adam asked. "Very" I smiled spinning around and wrap my arms around his neck. "Good" he smiled kissing me softly. "I hate that I can't kiss you" I say. "I know, you know how many times I just wanna kiss you in front of everybody?" he groans. "I know" I say kissing him again. "Look who it is! My favorite couple!" Mari claps Celia and Jacob were behind her. I blush pulling away from Adam. He smirked at me. "Why are you guys look so fancy?" Jake asked. "We are going on a date" my boyfriend says happily. "Where?" Mari asked. "On a picnic in a field" I say. "Romantic" Celia smirked. I laughed.

We escaped the billions of questions and made our way to the field. "Damn, I didn't realize that they were the probing type" Adam laughs grabbing my hand. "No doubt" I say as he opens the door for me. I get in and he trots to the driver's side. "So, what did you pack Mr. Levine?" I asked. "Surprise" he smirked. "That unsettles me" I laughed. "So, are you ready for tomorrow?" Adam asked. "I'm nervous" I confessed. "It's okay to be" he pats my thigh. "I know" I smiled. Truth is, I'm petrified I never sang acapella before. And I'm dancing too which Adam doesn't even know about it.

We sang every song on the radio. I love hearing Adam sing still. Something about his voice is my favorite sound. I love the way he smiles when something hits him in a song. I love the way he really gets into it. I smile at him. "What?" he asked. "Nothing, nothing" I smiled. "You sure?" he turns down the radio. "Yeah, I just like listening to you sing, that's all" I say kissing his cheek. "Is that so?" he smirked. "Yes" I laughed with a smirk. Adam laughs. I adore his laugh. I just adore him in general.

It was a stunning day for a picnic. There were no clouds out. Birds singing their songs and kids giggling. "It's a beautiful day" I say taking in the sun. "Yeah?" Adam asked taking my hand. "Yeah" I replied laying my head on Adam's shoulder. He smiled as we walked to the field which was blooming tiny white flowers. "Fun fact, I can make a flower crown out of these white flowers" I say plucking one as we sat. "Is that so?" Adam asked setting down the basket. "Yeah" I smiled as I plucked more and began to weave. I look for long grass and began to weave it through. Adam looks at me working he was mesmerized. "Almost done" I say sticking out my tongue. I do this when I'm concentrating. "Okay, and done" I say holding it up. "Wow, you have skills" Adam tells me as he puts it on my head. "Why thank you" I say with a smile. "You're welcome" he smiled kissing my cheek.

After our date, Adam drives me home well hotel. "I had a great time" I say. "Me too" he smiled. "Tonight's the night" I say. "Yeah, you'll do great babe" Adam reassured me. "Thanks" I smiled kissing him. "You're welcome" his eyes shined. I watched him go and I walked to my room. I looked for my key in my bag and lo and behold, it wasn't there. "Great" I groan knocking on the door praying that Mar is in her room. She wasn't. "Perfect" I stated calling Adam. "Hey babe!" he chirped. "Hey, so um I think my hotel key is in your car" I say sitting on the floor my back on the wall. "Oh, yeah it is" Adam tells me. "Can I have it?" I asked. "Yeah, coming now!" he says. "You're the best" I tell him. "I know" he laughs. I roll my eyes and hung up. I crossed my feet at the ankles. I was scrolling through Instagram and the official Voice profile posted a video for tonight. It was Charlie and Adam sitting in their seats. "You're so in love with her!" Charlie exclaimed. "No, I'm not" Adam say his face so red it could be neon. "Yes, you are!" Charlie says. "Fine, I'm in love with Miracle, happy?" Adam says. He says it so effortlessly like he didn't realize that the cameras were rolling. I knew Charlie did. I could see it in his eyes.

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