Just a kiss?

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If I'm not the only one you want, then don't want me at all"

Newt's P.O.V

Thomas and I cuddled close under a large red blanket. The natural breeze tangling our hair. The Mets were playing against The Red Sox. The score was 7-1 in the last quarter.

Thomas cheered and playfully punched my shoulder for some reason. Is this what straight boys do?

I giggled at my thought, slowly fading when I see faces staring at us.

" Why are they staring, Tommy?"

" I don't know Newtie-"

My eyes trailed over the crowd, then I froze my blood running cold. My heart beat increasing, my eyes falling deeper to the abyss.

" We are on the ... kiss cam."

I looked over at him, and blinked. " What do we do?"

He chuckled, " Relax."

He moved closer and leaned in, our lips brushed together. Instantly, I felt my legs wobble and my cheeks burn red.

He pulled away and giggled at me, " Was that a good kiss?"

" Again ruining the moment with your cockiness."

He laughed and propped his feet up on the empty chairs in front of us. He patted on my leg, teasing me senseless.

" I'll be back, give me 20 mins."

He nodded, his eyes locking mine as a smirk crawled onto his face. He could read me like a book.

" Don't go to hard, Newtie."

" Oh would you shut up, I was going to get some snacks."

" Sure I bet."

" Okay, what would you like, Dear"

" Well, Baby, I want a pretzel and water."

" Anything for you, Love."

He giggled cutely, hiding his face in his sleeve. I smiled sweetly at him then trotted away going to get Tommy's snacks.


Standing in the line, I anxiously looked around trying to pass the time with some sort of entertainment. But, Instead I find the tea.( learned that from tommy saying it meant "Drama.")

Teresa, being the whore she is, was draped around Aris waist. They giggled and smiled at each other. Little did she know, I spied on her flat ass. I mean didn't see Tommy and I on the Kiss Cam? Lord, so arrogant.

" Sneaky little bitch." I mumble to myself as I pull to the front of the crowd. Grabbing my snacks quickly and taking time to flirt with the adorable boy standing in the booth. ( Red Hair, Green Eyes, Freckle Galore.)

Smiling triumphantly I plop next to my Tommy, and handed him his snacks.

We shared the rest of the night laughing and cheering. The best maze a boy can ask for is a straight boy, who is somewhat gay.

Tommy chased behind me, we were a storming giggly group. He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me to him.

" Give me your keys, Blondie."

" Noooo, there mine"

He giggled and tickled me while I wiggles in his grasp. Then, he stopped. His hands dangled beside my slim waist. My eyes flicked back to him, finding him standing there was his mouth dropped and sorrow in his eyes.

My eyes followed his gaze, finding Teresa and Aris making out near the bathrooms.

" Oh... Tommy, come on let's go."

He shook me off, anger clearly running through him.

" Tommy stop, it's not worth it," I chant behind him trying to grip onto him.

He pushed them apart and punched Aris's Jaw, the skin looked like a ripple of water moving swiftly and crumbling up. The boy fell to the floor, then he turned to Teresa. She stood there awkwardly, shyly rubbing her arm.

" I'm sorry," She cried out, fake tears clouding her cheeks.

" Cut the bullshit, we're done."

She sobbed, grabbing onto her heaving chest. Aris laid there in a ball on the floor.

He crawled onto him and rose his fist. I slid down to him, wrapping my hand around his bloody fist. I looked into his eyes and breathed softly.

" woah, woah, woah. Stop Stop. Please, Tommy. Stop."

" He kissed Teresa."

" I know I was there, but we can forget this, Tommy."

He let go and climbed off the whimpering teen. I wrapped my warm hands around his wrist, pulling him through the crowd inching closer to the car.

The whole was him, Thomas was an emotional wreck. He weeped, then hit shit, then shook his head smiling.

" God she—- I gave her everything."

I rubbed his hand in mine, " I know, Tommy, don't worry."

" She was my first... my only."

I removed my hand, there it was again the jealousy.

" I-I'm sorry to hear."

He huffed and leaned his head against the transparent glass.

" I could treat you better." I state and allow my anxiety to step down. Courage taking its place and fear being chased away.

" W- What?"

" I'm better."

" Newt I-"

" I know tommy, you're not into me but.. I'm just stating that .. I need to get this off my chest before I fucking I explod—"

A pair of lips smashed into mine, my heart beat increasing and my eyes closing. A slippery tongue rubbed against my lower lip, I obliged and let him slide in.

After him exploring my throat and mouth, we pulled apart. We both were panting and he was looking around, fidgety, around the car.

" I'm sorry."

" Don't be tommy."

" Okay.."

We sat in silence, my heart beating slower. I felt numb and even mind blown, like a bullet went through my head.

" I wanna say that, even tho this will ruin your ego, that was the best bloody kiss."

He giggled and intertwined out slender fingers.

Sorry this sucks



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