Text Me.

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Newt's P.O.V

Staring at the white ceiling, feeling broken and fatigued. Then my phone lit up, the "Tommy ™️" flashing across the screen. I bury my head in my pillow, wanting him to leave me alone. Wanting to be alone.

I threw glass and shit at the gray walls, watching it break and pile into a huge mess. I looked down at the pictures we took when we hung out, the smiled and giggled and the fucking feelings.

Then, I had the courage to text him back.

I sunk into my bed, being swallowed by my salty tears

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I sunk into my bed, being swallowed by my salty tears. Tommy lead me on, just for the kicks? Maybe he really felt something, or maybe I was just an experience.

Tommy ™️: What are you talking about?

Newt : Why did you kiss me and then walk in with Teresa, hand in hand, all in love.

Tommy ™️: You don't understand, Newtie.

Newt: No, No don't you fucking dare to call me that. I gave you all I had left in me, all the feelings and emotions and your threw it out the fucking window.

Tommy: I'm sorry, it's hard okay. I'm confused I think.

Newt: I figured you out, by the way, the whole act you portray, you make people fall for you with cariamas and looks, then you dump them in loneliness and abandonment.

Tommy: You don't know me like that, okay I'm not some little asshole that likes to ruin people's feelings.

Newt: Then why did you do it to me

Tommy: bc it was real, but I don't know what to feel.

Newt: Don't lie to me, don't. Lie. To. Me.

Tommy: I'm not, please Newtie don't leave me.

Newt: You left me, I couldn't leave you.

Tommy: Can I come over?

Newt: I don't want to see you.

Tommy: Please newt

Newt: I can't see you the same.

Tommy: That's great to hear, if you hate me so much fuck Minho.

Newt: wth does Minho have anything to do with it.

Tommy: you two were practically eye fucking.

Newt: You're so conceded.

Tommy: why were you with him?

Newt: So I can't talk to people, but you can fucking date people?

Tommy: It's not like that, I just wanna know.

Newt: Well not that's it's any of your business, but Minho contorted me when I was crying over your obnoxious ass.

Tommy: Do you like him?

Newt: as a friend.

Tommy: Do you like me?

Newt: Why do you care, you have Teresa.

Tommy: Because I care about you, Newtie.

Newt: I cared about you, but you hurt me.

Tommy: so is this the end.

Newt: idk.

Tommy: I'm on my way over, I'll be at your window.

Newt: I won't open it up.

Tommy: please, please let me explain.

Newt: Screw off.


Sorry this sucks, but the next chapter will have newt and tommy at his window and maybe Minho?

Thanks for reading



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