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Newts's P.O.V

Friday ( Dec 7 )

Thomas seemed to fade away from me, he stopped texting me and annoying me in lunch and our shared classes. Maybe he was upset over the kiss? The break-up? Well, there goes my anxiety. I'm going to worry about this for a while I guess.

Then, my heart shattered. Broken in two pieces, as I saw the brunette's hand entangled with the devil's hand. Teresa and him got back together? Is that why he was ignoring me? God, what if I freaked him out with the kiss? What if he isn't into boys? 

My eyes began to water, my throat hoarse and my mind racing. Teresa kissed his cheek, leaving a big red mark on his cheek. He flustered red, then waddled back to his normal seat. The seat where we met, the "douche" seat. He sunk in the seat, tapping his pencil on the edge echoing a small beat.

I rose from my seat, and shuffled over to the teacher's desk, " C-Can I go to the bathroom?"

The teacher nodded, going to ask something but quickly retorted. I dashed out the door, running through the crowed halls, tears staining my cheeks.

I locked myself in a stall, sinking down to the floor and curling up in a ball. My hair frantic, and my eyes puffy red. I felt like a hurricane, no I felt like a bomb about to set. A gun, A gun firing into the skull of my "best friend". 

Sobbing, loud and clear, I roll on the floor and wipe away all my anxiety questions. My gray sleeve absorbed the tears and snot that seemed to ruin my baby face. God, I'm helpless.

Footsteps, crunching and moving closer. Then, I saw black nike sneakers. Minho.

" Hey, Newt, You okay?"

I sniffle and wipe away the rest of the tears, " I-I'm bloody amazing."

He moved closer to the stall, slowly pushing it back and forth. " Open up, cmonnn talk to me Newttttttt."

I groaned, but gave in slowly rising to my feet and unlocking the stall door. I bury my face into his collar blade, letting my eyelashes kiss my cheek and the tears soak his black shirt. Minho rubbed and comforted me, soothing me with every touch.

" What's the mater, huh?"

" H-H-He l-li-lied."

Minho coked his head, wiping away a tear from my cheek." Who, Who lied?"

" T-T-Thomas."

Minho nodded, brushing a few strands of hair away from my eyes. He hugged me, embracing me with warmth and trust. " You don't have to tell me."

I nodded, " Thanks Min."

He smiled, " Anytime."


Sitting around the small circular table, my knee hitting Minho's and giggles springing from the other teens, jokes being appointed and more giggles. 

Thomas sat in front of me, avoiding eye contact. The sorrow arrived once more, only to comforted by Minho's smile as he played with my fingers. At least I made a new friend. 

Minho made a joke about my tiny wrists, wiggling my hand in the air as I giggled at him. He smiled back, keeping his eyes away from Thomas. 

" He does have tiny wrists," Thomas added on, as his fingers trailed over my cold skin.

I pulled back, but Minho played it off like he pulled back. " Back off, Whore, he's mine."

I giggled at him, thanking him with my eyes. He whispered a moment later a quiet " You're Welcome" in my ear.

The rest of the lunch, it was basically the same. Teresa came in, hung over Tommy, complained. The other boys made jokes and laughed. Minho kept me away from Tommy. And I sat in silence tying to control my thoughts.


Sorry for the short chapter :DD

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