When Will I See You Again?

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Draco visited the next day with another two meals, unlocking her chains as promised.

"Two meals? Ever the gracious host," Olivia tried to joke with him as she began to chow down on the first tray, from the meat to the odd drink.

"I'll only be able to visit you once a day right now, so you might want to make that food last." Draco said almost solemnly as he sat down beside her.

"Please don't tell me you're sad again? You're too kind to be sad." Olivia asked him, food momentarily forgotten entirely as she grabbed at his face once again, though her hands were batted away.

"Everything's just a little stressful, but I really am alright," Draco almost sounded angry with his words as he gritted his teeth together.

"I'm annoying you, aren't I? I always have annoyed you, I feel like. Even when we were little I would just cry all the time." Olivia drifted off, sipping on the burnt cinnamon and sickly sweet drink once again.

"You're not annoying me, I'm just stressed out!" Draco snapped at her perhaps a little harsher than intended. The out-of-mind Olivia immediately began to cry at the though of making him angry at her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Olivia whispered under her breath and rocked herself slightly. She mentally scolded herself for being so stupid.

"Hey, hey, it's alright," Draco tried to reconcile her, pushing the tray away and putting a comforting hand on her shoulder to stop her rocking.

"I don't want you to be mad or sad or anything besides happy. You deserve all the happiness in the world." Olivia looked up at him pitifully, her mind swimming in a  sea of confused emotions.

Draco snapped his face away from her, his voice becoming strained, "Just— just eat your food, Olivia."

Olivia nodded obediently, returning to her food as if nothing had happened.

The next day, Olivia woke up with the sun once again and couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

It's okay, Draco will fix it once he's here. Part of her chimed in, though that only confused her more.

Why would it be Draco's problem to fix? How could he fix it? The more sceptical side of her replied.

He'll cheer us up, and we won't have to focus on what's wrong with us!

Just as yet another part of Olivia began to wonder if she was already going insane, Draco once again joined her company and the chipper part of her mind couldn't be more thrilled.

"Good morning Draco!" She cheered him before faltering, "It is morning, isn't it?"

"Yes," Draco stifled a yawn, "It's very early morning."

Olivia noticed how tired he looked as he sat down beside her. She shifted up beside him as he unlocked her chains and stared at his gaunt face in worry.

"Are you feeling alright?" Olivia asked quietly, her free hand trying  once again to console his cheeks.

"I keep telling you I'm fine." Draco grabbed her hand and lowered it.

"Am I supposed to just eat while you're obviously not doing okay? I'll do as you tell me, but I worry regardless." Olivia replied, her two conflicting voices agreeing for one thought at least.

Draco stood suddenly and began to  pace the room, "It's this whole new life! My father's not around and all the responsibilities of that are on me besides—" He turned to face Olivia but obviously changed the direction of his words, "It's just a lot to do and I've suffered some of my usual sleep for it. Nothing to worry about."

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