Wedding Preparations

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Three o'clock the following afternoon saw everyone scattered about the premises, looking plenty different from their usual appearances.

After breakfast, Sirius, Draco, Harry and Olivia had all been given major doses of the polyjuice potion with hair samples from a local muggle family. Sirius had been transformed into the Mum with dark brown hair, speckles of aging, a slightly chubbier figure, and the name of Darla Cole (Sirius' idea, naturally). Draco became the 18-year-old eldest, dubbed Harrison by a cackling Sirius and smirking Olivia, who matched his mother's hazel eyes but had a flat face presumably from the unknown father's side. Harry was the 17-year-old middle child, who Draco insisted needed a more "proper" name and so was named Emrys, and shared in the hazel eyes yet showed a lot more of "Darla's" features than his elder brother. And that just left Olivia as the 15-year-old sister, dubbed Matilda (which Hermione recommended, would not stop laughing about, and refused to explain), who stuck out slightly with pale green eyes but shared all of "Harrison's" features otherwise.

And by the time that afternoon hour rolled about, the newfound Cole family was all over the place. Sirius, or Darla, could be found sneaking himself a few drinks as he aided Remus and Mr. Weasley in setting up the finishing touches, such as the food and drinks. Harry, or Emrys, could be found hanging out with Ron, Fred, and George as they waited for guests to begin arriving, though as soon as guests actually made an appearance he was instructed to immediately return to Ron's room where Sirius and Remus would get them for their family debut later. Draco, or Harrison, could be found keeping himself occupied with reading through some of Ron's assorted Quidditch books in the youngest Weasley boy's room.

Olivia, or Matilda, could be found sitting alone in Ginny's room because 1. She felt very uncomfortable in her polyjuiced form because, although the real girl was two years younger, she was much more. . . Developed, and Olivia didn't know how to handle that, 2. All the other women and girls were helping with bride-bridesmaid appearances in Percy's room upstairs but Olivia really could not handle the romantic-mood, quarter-Veela Fleur all decked out in her wedding attire and 3. She wasn't quite sure where Harry or Draco or anyone safe like that was to seek refuge with. At this point, she wasn't even sure how she would make it through the day without making a fool of herself in some way— be it by drooling over the bride, the also-dressed-up-and-still-a-goddess Laura, the brilliant Hermione (who really knew how to dress herself up when she wanted to) or the definitely gorgeous and knows it Ginny. Far too many attractive women for the currently-stuck-in-a-15-year-old-stranger's-body Olivia.

Meanwhile, the odd guests finally began to show from beyond the bushes and Harry was forced to retreat indoors, making his way up to the room without a second thought. When it was only the meditative Draco within, however, he paused at the doorframe.

"Is Liv not with you?"

Draco looked up from the borrowed book, "No, I thought Matilda was with you."

Harry mentally scolded himself for screwing up the names already and shook his head, "No, she never came outside."

Draco didn't seem as bothered with the concept, "She's probably downstairs getting ready with the other girls."

Harry once again mentally scolded himself for already worrying, "Right, right," He soothed himself down, closing the door behind him but too weirdly fidgety to sit down and do anything productive.

Instead, he found himself peering through the tiny window and trying to make awkward small talk, "Have you been to many weddings?"

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