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3 weeks later

Maisy's Pov

The past few weeks had been okay. I settled into the orphanage easily. It wasn't a nightmare, but it wasn't pleasant. For starters, there were 20 of us stuffed into one room with 5 bunks, which meant we either doubled up or slept on the floor. Me, I chose the floor. I didn't mind sleeping on the floor living on the streets conditioned me to this. It also conditioned me to the lack of food. It wasn't like Mrs. Creavence, the lady who ran the orphanage, wanted us to starve, but there just wasn't enough to feed 42 hungry mouths. For the most part, I gave my food to the younger kids and ate at school, which suited me fine.

School was the good part. I liked Mid-town High. I'd been there a total of 14 days and already risen to the best or second best in all of my classes, and by the 3rd day, I was taking all AP. Even then I was still at the top. For 5 out of 7 of my classes, I was the only freshman. For the other 2, physics and chemistry, there was one other. He was a shy kid, but really smart. He had a mop of brown hair and big, brown eyes. His name was Peter Parker.

Peter was the reason I was second best in some of my classes. He was a science god. He had an Iq to rival Tony Rodger-Starks and a heart of gold to rival his husband Steve. Now, I know sounds like I have a crush on him, but we strictly have a friendship, besides he's not my type.

On this particular Friday, in chemistry, the teacher announced that we'd be doing a partner lab.

I turn around in my seat and casually ask "Hey, Peter, wanna be partners?"


Mr. Delgado, the chemistry teacher, came around to give each pair an unidentified liquid and we had until the end of the period to figure out what it was.

"Now, remember class," Mr. Delgado said, "No tasting the liquid as it may be poisonous."

The first thing Peter and I did was sniff the vial.

"Smells sweet," Peter commented. He took a pipette and dropped some of the mystery liquid onto a slide. He stared through the microscope for a second, and then said, "Hey, Maisy, look at this."

He slid over and allowed me to look through the microscope. "It has some sort of crystal in it. Hey, how is its viscosity?" I ask having a suspicion of what it was.

Peter tilted the vial and replied, "High. You thinking what I'm thinking?"

I nodded pretty sure I was. I turn a hot plate on and begin to heat the liquid. Pretty soon all that was left were small crystals.

Peter carefully picked one up and examined it. "Sugar," he said.

In unison, we both said, "Syrup."

Mr. Delgado came over to congratulate us and said he's never had a student finish that fast. I looked at the clock to see that only 10 of the 50 minutes had passed. It wasn't even that hard. I mean syrup, child's play. This is AP highschool for God's sake.

For the rest of the period, Peter and I chatted aimlessly about randomness. I was hesitant the first we to accept his friendship, but now I'd been accepted into the group which had previously only consisted of Peter and his friends Ned and MJ. Other than them, I didn't talk to anyone.

Eventually whilst still talking to Peter, which mostly consisted of listening to him ramble, I pulled out my sketchbook and began to draw. It was a picture of Peter laughing and talking. To many, this may see again like something someone with a crush would do, but I just liked drawing people, and Peter was a good subject. He didn't move a lot when he talked.

The bell rang and we got up to leave. Mr. Delgado then made us sit back down giving us the whole the bell doesn't dismiss you I do spiel. He finally did dismiss us, and Peter and I went our sperate ways. Peter had this after-school job that he wouldn't tell me about.

I hurried to my locker and shoved my books in. I was eager to leave only because I wanted to take the long way home.

I stepped outside into the crisp September air. I walked for some time before I heard a rustling behind me. I turned around to see 4 looming figures in the ally.

Oh no, I was gonna get jumped.

"слей это," I cursed in Russian. I lived in Russia for a while. That's where I got the slight Russian accent I speak in from.

The largest guy stepped forward, and I saw he was holding a knife. They all were. They cornered me against a wall.

"Hey guys, should we take her money?" one guy asked.

"No, please," I pleaded

"Nah," another said, "Let's have some fun first." The stepped towards me.

"Please back away, I don't want to hurt you," I asked desperation in my voice.

"How could you hurt us dearie?" he asked and then traced the outline of my cheek with the tip of his knife.

"Like this," I said no longer being able to stop myself, I'd lost control. Power ripped through me and sent the guys flying against the wall.

Okay let me just come clean, I had magic. I didn't know why I was just born with it. My powers that I knew of were flying, enhanced endurance, telekineses, ergokinesis, which was the ability to absorb and manipulate energy with my mind, superhearing, and super strength. Sounds totally awesome right? Only it's not. My powers terrified me because I had little clue how to control them, and with them, I've done horrid things.

One guy pointed out to the others that my eyes had changed from soft amber to pure silver. That was a side effect of using the powers.

Suddenly a red and blue clad figure landed in the alley and shot webs at the four men holding him to the wall. He broke my trance, and I collapsed sobbing into my hands that still had traces of silver magic curling out of them.

The hero stepped closer, and I recognized him as Spider-Man, Queen's vigilante.

"Hey what you did that was awesome! How did you do that?" Spider-Man asked and his voice sounded vaguely familiar.

I looked up at him, my now amber eyes soaked with tears as I ran my hands through my platinum blonde hair.

"Maisy?" he said looking astonished.

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

He ignored my question and asked, "Oh my god, are you okay?"

"I said how do you know my name. Who are you?" I demanded.

"I'll tell you everything just not here." And with that, he shot a web onto the roof of a nearby apartment building and held out his hand for me to hold on.

"No way," I protested, "I'm not trusting my life on those webs. I can get up by myself."

He didn't look surprised. Instead, he just said, "Okay, suit yourself," and swang off.

I gingerly began to lift off the ground and heard an oh from one of the men which I just now remembered were there. I didn't mind flying. You couldn't do much damage from flying. In fact, I was okay with most of my powers as they were relatively harmless. It was mainly the ergokinesis that scared me.

I landed on the building a few seconds after him.

"So, you can fly," he comments, "What else can you do?"

"Tell me who you are first," I demanded.

"Why don't I just show you," he said. He pulled off his mask and I was greeted with a familiar mop of brown hair.

"Peter," I screeched and tackled him in a hug.

"So, Maisy you've got powers and I'm a superhero," Peter said.

"Yeah," I reply nonchalantly.

"Let me train you," Peter said looking dead serious.

"Really," I asked shocked.

"Yeah, you clearly need help controlling your powers and I can help. I also know people who can help."

"You'd do that?" I say my face lighting up.


"Thank you."

"I got to go. I'll see you at school tomorrow," and he swings off.

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