I'm an intern now

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Maisy's Pov

When Peter told me he had something to show me, I was curious and excited. Nervous too, but mostly curious. I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn't the Tony Rodgers-Stark standing in front of me.

"Omg, Mr. Stark, um uh I mean Rodgers-Stark sorry. Oh dear, I'm rambling, aren't I? Well, it's not every day you meet your idol. Wait why am I meeting you? You are like a technological genius. I love your work. I'm not in trouble, am I? Hold up, Peter Benjamin Parker, why didn't you tell me you know him? Is this your super secret afterschool job you won't tell me about? Are you like important or a coffee boy? Either one is cool. I mean oof. I just said oof, didn't I? Please make me stop talking."

Peter clamped his hand over my mouth. After a few seconds, he moved his hand and said, "Geese, Maisy. You sound like Ned."

"I think she sounds like you Peter," Mr. Stark said laughing.

Peter blushes and turns away.

"Maisy," Mr. Stark said, "Yes, Peter is an intern here, my personal intern actually. I wish to offer you the same position."

What?  Tony Stark's personal intern? Uh yes!!

"So what do you say," Peter asked grinning.

"Боже мой Тони Старк хочет меня как стажера. Да да да Да, я буду твоим стажером (Um, oh my god. Thee Tony Stark wants me as an intern. Yes, yes, yes. Yes, I'll be your intern)," I said in rapid-fire Russian. 

"Friday," Mr. Stark said to the ceiling.

"Yes, sir?"

"Ah," I shouted as I jumped into the air startled. I blindly threw a hex (blast of silver energy), and it hit the wall burning a slight hole in it. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. What was that?"

"That's Friday, kid. She's an AI throughout the building. As for the wall, it's fine. I've accidentally basted like 14 holes in my walls," Mr. Stark reassured me.


"Now Friday, what did Maisy say?"

The AI, Friday, translated, "Um, oh my god. Thee Tony Stark wants me as an intern. Yes, yes, yes. Yes, I'll be your intern."

"Okay, just a couple more things, you may want to sit down for this part," Mr. Stark said solemnly.

We sat down in three rolly chairs.

"I ran a background check on you, Maisy. I do to all my possible interns and Peter's friends. You have a Russian accent, which is curious because your parents aren't Russian, and you've never left the country legally. You're a genius, but you haven't been to school in 7 years, you've been missing for 7 years. Your parents died when you were 12, and that's all even SHEILD has on you. So, tell me where have you been for the last 7 years, Maisy I need to know because to SHEILD you're a possible threat to national security. I just want to help you. I don't think you're a threat, but I need you to tell me. If you don't I will have two of the world's best former assassins interrogate you, and that will likely be less pleasant," he urged.

I silently debated whether or not to tell them the truth. I didn't seem like I had much of a choice, so I told them everything.

"For the past year, I've been on the run. Running from where I'd been for the 6 years before that." I lifted my shirt to reveal an octopus with a skull head in a red circle. Hydra. Next to it the number 42 in Roman numerals.

"Hydra," Mr. Stark breathed out. 

I nodded and continued, "When you said the world's best assassins, you were referring to Natasha Romanoff and James, more commonly known as Bucky, Barnes. The two best killers Hydra ever produced. Well, you're looking at the third. I was Hydra assassin. I killed 274 people before my 13th birthday. Don't send me back please, and I'm not a threat. You think I wanted to kill those people. The same tech Strucker used on Bucky, he used on me. I was brainwashed. Only difference Mr. Stark was that I was 7. Want to know how Hydra got me? My parents handed me over. They overjoyed that they could finally get rid of that wretched daughter of theirs with the powers they considered demonic and unholy. SO when I was 12, 2 years after I'd killed my first person, I killed them." By now, I was sobbing. Memories flashed before my eyes, ones I'd tried so hard to forget. The torture, the abuse, the mind control, the killing. "I knew it was wrong somewhere in the back of my mind, but they were controlling me, their silver ghost. They called me that because all my targets saw before they died was a flash of silver, and they were gone. 

Then one day there was a girl in Hydra, part of Project Gypsy, came along. Her name was Alexia, and one day she found a way to stop the mind control. We were 13 then. She saved me, but we couldn't escape just yet. Now that I was aware of what I was doing I couldn't take it, the killing. So in the dead of night, Alexia and I fought our way out of a Hydra base in Russian where I'd been for the past 6 years. Only Alexia didn't make it. She died saving me. I faked some paperwork and took a boat to California. Then I took a bus to Nebraska where I was from originally. From there I ran East until I was picked up in New York City," I finished.

"Maisy, I'm so sorry. Your safe now," Mr. Stark said pulling me into a hug. I cried into his shirt. Peter soon joined the hug as well.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark, for understanding."

"It's Tony, Kid. Call me Tony."

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