Movie night with my "kids"

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Drawing above is Maisy. P.s. I am awful at drawing.

1 week later 

Tony's Pov

It had been a week since I offered Maisy the internship position. She and Peter had been here every day since. I truly can't remember what it was like before her. I worried that Peter would feel like I was replacing him, but he assured me he didn't. He loved Maisy even more than I did, and together they worked brilliantly.

Today, Maisy and Peter worked on Peter's web fluid. Maisy was a chemistry nerd. Her shirt even had the periodic table on it. She and Peter crunched numbers like there was no tomorrow. I watched them as I filled out paperwork for Pepper. They acted like siblings messing with each other relentlessly. It put a real, genuine smile on my face. That was rare, and so I would do anything for these kids, even Maisy because despite knowing her a total of 7 days, I adore her. They were in my mind, my kids. They probably didn't feel the same way, but that is what I call them in my head. My kids.

Soon it was 7 and already time for my kids to go home. I didn't want them to leave, I really didn't. I remembered Peter's aunt was away for the weekend, and the Avengers were all on a mission.

"Hey, kiddos," I said looking up from my paperwork.

"Yeah, Mr. Stark," they replied placing a beaker of fluid down on the table.

"How many times do I have to tell you two? It's Tony," I said.

"Sorry, Tony," Maisy mumbled sheepishly.

"So, since the Avengers and May are out of town, I was thinking we could order pizza and have a movie night in the tower. Sound good?"

"Really?!" Peter squealed.

"Yeah, kid. We can watch all the Disney movies that I haven't seen," I said. This made his smile so wide I wasn't sure how it fit on his face.

"Can you believe it, Maisy? He hasn't even seen Lion King," Peter said bouncing up and down on his toes.

"Um, what's Lion King?" Maisy asked embarrassed.

"You too!!" Peter sighed. He jumped up onto the ceiling and said, "Race you to the living room."

"Oh you're on, bug boy," Maisy called out flying after him.

"I'm an arachnid," Peter said with a look a fake hurt on his face.

"Whatever you're still a loser," Maisy shrugged. 

"Gosh, Mais. You sound like MJ," Peter said, and then they were too far for me to here.

"Fri, save that to my folder, 'My kids'," I said and then walked out to join them.

When I reached the living room, Maisy and Peter were curled up sharing a blanket. Peter was taller than Maisy, so she leaned her head on his shoulder, snuggling into the crook of his neck. The sight made my non-existent heart melt. 

I went to go sit on one of the other couches, but Maisy patted the spot next to her, gesturing for me to sit down with them. I walked over and sat down. Instantly Maisy curled up her legs and her feet were on my lap. It was the greatest feeling since Steve and I's wedding day, to have my two kids snuggled up next to me.

Peter insisted we watch Lion King first. We all cried at Mufasa's death scene. Who wouldn't? If you didn't cry when Mufasa died then you had a heart of stone.

Next, we watched Brave. Maisy commented that Merida was basically Hawkeye and Blackwidow combined stuck in Scotland. We all laughed at that because it was pretty true.

After Brave, Friday notified me that the pizza guy was waiting in the lobby.

"All right, Underoos, Mais, we gotta get up and get the pizza," I said shifting under Maisy who, somewhere in the middle of brave, had ended up with her legs resting on my lap.

"But I comfortable," Maisy groaned like a child.

"But, pizza," I countered.

"Fine, we're up," Peter said. They both got up and stretched, and together we walked towards the elevator.

When elevator doors opened to the lobby, the pizza boy nearly dropped his pizzas. He probably assumed it was for an intern, not Tony Stark himself. I smirked and stepped out, Maisy and Peter following close behind. I'd admit it was a strange sight. Tony Stark with two kids, one of which wore one of his sweatshirts which fit him fine, but to her small frame was like a dress going past her knees. (She said she didn't want to be uncomfortable for the movies, so Peter gave her a sweatshirt he originally stole from me.) The other holding her hand in a matching sweatshirt.

"Here's your pizza, sir," the poor pizza boy stuttered. I handed him a 20 and took the pizza.

Back in the living room, we didn't bother with plates or napkins just eating the pizza on the couch while we watched Beauty and the Beast. 

When the one song the teapot sings about some tale or something, Maisy joined in the song.

Tale as old as time
True as it can be
Barely even friends
Then somebody bends

Maisy's voice was high and clear and surprisingly beautiful. The Peter joined in.

Just a little change
Small to say the least
Both a little scared
Neither one prepared

Beauty and the beast

Together their voices sounded amazing, and soon they were immersed in a duet.

Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before and ever just as sure as the sun will rise

Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before
Ever just as sure
As the sun will rise

Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song
Bittersweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong

Certain as the sun
Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme

Beauty and the beast

Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the beast

Beauty and the beast

When they finished, they burst out giggling.

"I thought you didn't know Disney," Peter said.

"I don't," Maisy replied.

"Then how?"

"The only one I know," Maisy cut him off, "is Beauty and the Beast. Belle is my favorite."

"Oh, okay," Peter said then went back to watching.

Peter fell asleep somewhere during Toy Story. Maisy followed suit, but before she was completely out of it she mumbled, "Goodnight, Dad."

I think my arc reactor nearly exploded. She called me dad!!!!!

I waited a few minutes and heard soft noises escaping her lips indicating she was asleep.


"Yes, sir?"

"Did she really call me dad?"

"Yes, and I've already saved it to your folder."

That night, I fell asleep next to two of my three favorite people in the world.


This entire chapter was basicaly fluff. 

Comment down below if you're out of school for the summer. I am!!!! Whooooooo!!

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