Author's Note

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So this entire chapter is basically an author's note. 


So recently I watched both Endgame (My heart is officially broken. Help me.) and Homecoming, and I realized that most but not all of what happened doesn't match with my storyline. So here is what's going on in my story.

1. Endgame, Infinity War, and Civil War never happened. Nope, didn't happen. They do not exist. *sobbing in the background*

2. Peter is 14 at the beginning of my story. I know that doesn't follow the actual story but I don't care. He got his powers in 8th grade and has been a hero for a year.

3. Peter fought Toomes in the summer going into high school, but the rest of Homecoming didn't happen

4. Asgard still exists

5. Clint lives at the Avenger's tower

6. Tony didn't sell Avenger's tower

7. Peter is friends with MJ

8. Tony and Pepper are just friends hence the Stony 

9. The Maximoff twins are 17 you'll find out why as we go on

10. Pietro is alive

11. Age of Ultron did happen but the Maximoff twins weren't a part of it

12. As of right now in the story, the Avengers don't know about the Maximoffs

13. The main 6 plus Bucky and Loki live at Avengers tower

14. The Avengers are friends with T'challa and the Wakandians

15. Peter has an actual internship at SI

Yeah that's it I think. I know most of you won't read this and will be confused but guess what it's here, so that's on you. Now back to the story...

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