Canary unveiled

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Maisy's Pov

2 weeks from movie night

Today was the day. The day I would unveil Canary to the world. Peter had been an amazing teacher. I could now easily use all my powers without running the risk of a panic attack. I'd been asking ever since movie night, but Peter kept saying I needed more practice. Finally, he decided to let me join him on his patrol tonight.

The last bell rang and I shot out of my seat. I had chemistry for last period, so Peter was in that class with me. I raced to my locker and grabbed my backpack that Mr. Stark bought me since he and Peter accidentally lit my old one on fire, and the orphanage couldn't replace it and neither could I. It was black and leather and very chic. I told Mr. Stark he didn't need to but he insisted. He also insisted I take a StarkPhone since he "won't have a personal intern with something as measly as an Android." I thought the real reason was that he just liked spoiling Peter and me.

I met Happy outside and see Peter was already in the car. I slide in next to him. Happy raised the divider thing, so he couldn't hear us. He said he doesn't like us, but I think he secretly does.

We didn't say anything the whole ride to SI. I was bouncing from nerves. I was so excited. Flash had been a jerk and so had the other girls at school, but even thinking about that couldn't put the smile off my face.

When we got to dad's, yes I call Mr. Stark dad but only in my head, lab, Peter and I threw our backpacks on the ground. Dad beamed at me.

"You ready for your first ever patrol, Mais," he said. I nodded excitedly.

"Why don't you two go change into your suits, and when you come back I have a surprise," dad said smiling.  

I change first in the bathroom connected to the lab. I place my silver crown on my almost as silver hair which I did in my signature two dutch braids. The suit is comfortable and fits like a second skin. I step out and see Peter has already changed into his spider suit.

"I love the suit," dad said as we came back into the main area of the lab. In his hand, he held a small box. He opened it and handed what was inside to me. It was a necklace, the same shade of silver as my hair. 

"Wear it," he said. I  clasp it around my neck.

"It has a tracker and it monitors your vitals. It also acts as a panic button. Hit it twice and every superhero on the planet will be there. Got it?" dad said.

"Wow so overprotective, dad," I said laughing, but internally enjoying that he cared so much about me.

"Maisy, did you just call Mr. Stark dad?" Peter asked smugly.

"What no," I denied.

"Fri," da-MR. STaRk said.

"Replaying audio," Fri said in her British accent. "Wow so overprotective, dad."

"See," Peter said laughing. I blushed like crazy.

"Let's just get going," I said embarrassed.

With that, I opened a window and jumped out. Peter swung off after me.

"Be careful," Mr. Stark called out. I smiled. This was going to be so great!!!! 

We swung or flew around New York for an hour or two before my super hearing picked something up, and I know Peter's did too. Alarms. We raced to the Manhattan Bank. Sure enough, four armed robbers were attempting to rob the bank. There were about 15 hostages.

We crashed through windows.

"What's up, peeps?" Peter said casually. One guy fired towards Peter. He dodged and said, "That wasn't very nice." He webbed the gun away and started fighting the first guy. One went to help the first one. The other two turned their attention to me.

"I haven't seen you around before, but Dang I hope I see you again," one guy said winking.

"Gross," I said. I punched him, knocking him out cold. The other one came at me. Silver tendrils wrapped around him holding him in the air.

"What the hell?" the bad guy said in astonishment. I squeeze him so no more words come out.

I look over at Peter and see that he has webbed the other two baddies and even had time to write the cops a note.

"Hey, Spider," I called. Peter looked over. "Web em'" 

I released the guy, and Peter webbed him to the wall.

When we stepped outside the bank, we were swarmed with reporters. The noise was getting to both Peter and I. Sensory overload immanent I heard Karen say in Peter's suit. 

"Who are you?" they all shouted at me. I resisted the urge to cover my ears or break and sob.

"Canary," I said.

They shouted questions left and right. I looked over to see Peter having a sensory overload. I was having one too. I needed to get us both out of here.

"Sorry," I said, "But this birdie and her spider friend have to go." I flew off as fast as I could with Peter swinging behind me. I crashed onto a roof a few blocks away. Everything was too loud, too bright. I jammed my hands over my ears and screwed my eyes shut. 

Peter crashed on the roof too, but I couldn't pay attention to him. It hurt everything hurt. My suit which was so comfortable half an hour ago now felt like a million needles piercing my skin.

I cried out in agony, but that made it worse. Then I heard it. Repulsors in the distance. Mr. Stark. Dad.

"Maisy, Peter," a voice said. Then everything went black.

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