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Tony's Pov

A few minutes before Maisy hears him on the roof

Peter and Maisy had been gone for several hours. I was trying to work on my suit, but my mind kept wandering back to the kids. I had the news turned on in case it mentioned them. Both their vitals were up on a monitor to my left. I couldn't go two minutes without glancing up at them. I knew they were both perfectly capable. Both had experience fighting, but they're my kids, of course, I was going to worry.

Then I heard it. "Breaking News, a new hero on the streets. Channel 34's Nancy Dega is on the scene." I whipped my head around to face the news. A pudgy lady stood in a crowd of people trying to talk to a masked sliver hero. Something started beeping rapidly. It was their vitals spiking drastically. The crowd must have started a sensory overload.

"Fri, activate the tracker in Maisy's suit," I said in a panic.

I called the suit and flew as fast as I could to the glowing red dot that was my kids' location. When I got there, they were both collapsed on the roof.

"Maisy, Peter," I cried out. I scooped them both up in my arms. Together they couldn't weigh more than 200 pounds.

"Fri, autopilot back to the tower."

"Yes, boss."

"Call Banner."

"Calling Banner."

Bruce's face popped up on the screen.

"What is it, Tony?"

"Med bay ready stat!"

"What are you hurt?" he asked

"No. I have two teens suffering from sensory overload. You can't tell anyone. They're Spiderman and Canary."

"Canary?" he asked confused.

"I'll explain later." I hung up and saw that the tower was approaching. I rushed to the med bay and lay them both on the beds. I collapsed into the chair and let Banner do his work. 

After around 10 minutes he came and told me that they would be fine and should wake up in 30 minutes.

"Bruce," I said.

"Yes," he responded.

"Don't tell the others. Not even Steve."

"Why?" he questions.

"For their safety okay," I said. He only nodded and went back to his work. I decided I needed coffee. I went up to the penthouse to brew a cup. 

When I got there, my husband, Steve, was there sitting on a stool eating some crackers. Seeing my state, he rushed over and hugged me. I melted into the warmth of his body.

"What's wrong, Tony?" he asked with concern.

"Just some equations stumping me back at the lab," I said which was partially true. There were equations back in the lab that I couldn't solve. I made a mental note to ask Peter when he woke up. Still, that wasn't why I was in distress. 

"Okay, love. I'll make you more coffee," Steve said rubbing my shoulder.

"Thanks, hun," I said plopping down on a stool. Steve came back over with a steaming mug of black coffee. 

"I'll let you get back to it then," Steve said. He gave me a quick kiss, and I walked back towards the med bay.

When I got back, Peter was awake, but Maisy wasn't.

"You good, Underoos?" I said.

"Not so loud, Mr. Stark," Peter whispers.

"Sorry, Pete," I said in a lower voice. "How was patrol?"

"Good," he said smiling, "Maisy did great."


"Mr. Stark," a voice called from the other bead.

"Maisy," Peter and I said at the same time.

"Yeah," she said. She groaned as she sat up. "What happened?"

"Sensory overload."

"Right," she said with a sigh. She looked down at her hands, which were fiddling with her necklace.

"Want to talk about how you got them?" I said in a soft tone.

"I guess," she said looking up at me with sad eyes that made my heart hurt. Bruce took this as his cue to leave.

"Well," she started, "Back in Hydra, they had a new way to enhance the senses. It was of course, not voluntary. It was a form of torture. Of course, I was Strucker's favorite test subject. Basically, they left me in a dark, soundless room for what could have been hours but felt like days. Then out of the blood, they would flood my senses. Lights so harsh I was blinded temporarily. Sounds so loud they made my ears bleed. Hundreds of tastes and smells mixed together making my nerves want to fry themselves. Then it would stop, and I would be left in that room until it happened again. They would do it 4 or 5 times before I was let out. It was horrible."

She cried into Peter's shirt. It was more hyperventilating than tears though.

I swear to god, I'm going to hunt down every Hydra agent there is out there and make them suffer. Suffer for what they did to a little girl just 8 years old. Suffer for what they did to my little girl.


Hey guys! Sorry this update is long over due. I'll get back into regular scheldule now. I was on vacation and didn't have time to write.

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