Part 1: memories

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Castle Acorn, Mobius

King Shadow sighed. He was in the throne room working on his paperwork. He decided to take a break from his work and took a deep breath. He looked to his left and, there, on a stool, sat a picture frame. He grabbed the picture frame and noticed it was him and Amy Rose smiling at the camera. Well, she was smiling at the camera; He was smiling at her. The picture was taken one summer when Amy and Shadow went to the beach. Her quills were slowly growing longer during that time, she was around her early 20's. He didn't know why, but everytime he thought about her, he felt happy. No one was able to do that since his dear friend, Maria, had passed. After that, he never felt happy. He rarely spoke to anyone. That is, until he met Amy. She was able to get him out of his shell. Others tried, but epically failed. After the Freedom Fighters disbanded, he hasn't been able to find Amy. He's searched and searched, but he felt that there was no progress being made. Each passing second, he worries about his dear "friend's" safety.

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