Part 11: The Love of Two Souls

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As days turned into weeks and weeks to months, they fell into an even deeper love with each other. Eventually, the entire kingdom found out about it. They noticed how King Shadow and Amy Rose would go out on dates, hold each other's hand, even go as far as protecting each other. The residents still say to this day that King Shadow and Amy Rose were inseparable. They rather liked it that way, is what the residents would say. Granted, Amy and King Shadow still had their fights. It would never get physical, for neither of them would forgive themselves for hurting the other. Just the mere thought of that, they would start to get upset. Not with  each other, but with themselves for thinking such a cruel thing. Amy and King Shadow started to become very close to each other. So close, in fact, that they never left each other's side. Whenever the king had a meeting or somewhere to be, she would go, too. Neither minded this. Not even the people the king was seeing. He seemed more calm with her around, so they allowed her to go with him. These two were the perfect pair for each other. As long as they were happy, everyone was happy.

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