Part 14: The Last Piece

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10 months later

Once December 20th hits, King Shadow and Queen Amy Rose give birth to Triplets. Their eldest son, Shane, Lastest son, Darren, and their only Daughter, Adamy. Darren and Adamy look mostly similar to their father. Darren has bangs, unlike his sister, who has a bare forehead. Adamy has short quills, like how her mother's once was. They both have Crimson Red and Sakura Pink streaks on them. Darren has them on his arms, legs, tip of his bangs, and tip of his quills. Adamy has them on her arms, legs, tip  of her quills and on top of her head. Now Shane, on the other hand, is different. Unlike his younger siblings, he is a mixed color of his parents. He doesn't have streaks, except for around his eyes. He does, however, have chest fur. Darren has chest fur, too, but his doesn't look like Shane's. Shane has a heart shaped chest fur, while Darren has a more circle-like shape to his.

As the years go by, the family grows. The Triplets will be four years old this December. King Shadow and Queen Amy are happy, especially with their three troublemakers. They are even happy about reuniting with each other. If they hadn't reunited, they wouldn't have their amazing family, now, would they? Though, times do tend to get tough, they're still living their happy ever after.

                        The End

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