Part 7: Events

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4 hours later

King Shadow realized, after 4 hours, that he can't sleep. He sat up slowly and looked to his right. There, laying peacefully, was Amy. She looked like she was sleeping, so he didn't bother her. He looked to his left and checked the time. 1:00 in the morning. He froze. His right eye began to twitch. 'Ugh' he thought angrily. He looked back to Amy and started thinking. 'This entire time, I've been non-stop thinking of Rose.' He thought to himself. It's true; From those radiant Emerald Green eyes, to her gorgeous smile. Then, and just then, did he think more clearly about the letter. He continued to look at her and began to think. 'I don't want her to forget about me or her life.' 'If anything, I wanted her to remember everything.' 'I need to help her.' He thought and that was that.

"Rose, wake up." King shadow whispered. He shook her lightly so he doesn't hurt her. She turns around and says, "I've been awake." He stares at her for a moment, surprised and confused at the same time. 'Huh, well okay then.' He thought lightly. "Anyway, do you happen to remember what exactly happened during this 'accident'?" He asked worriedly. He didn't want to bring back bad memories, but he felt that he needed to know, so that way he can help her more. Amy looked at him with a confused look. She didn't expect him to ask her that so soon. 'Well, if he wishes to know...' She thought. "B-basically, I was training with my magic coach. No one, not even her, told us that she had a bad temper. I mean, a really bad temper. After I defeated her in our training session, she stood up and attacked me. My parents saw this and went after her for it. I, on the other hand, was knocked out cold from her attacks. While I was knocked out, my parents threw her in the dungeon and I lost my memory." When she finished, she looked down, avoiding eye contact. King Shadow's eyes grew as wide as dinner plates. He couldn't believe what he just heard. He started to feel angered. His eyes started to glow. "So... What I am hearing is that your coach knocked you out because you proved superior...?" He asked angrily. Amy looked up at him and noticed how mad he was. His eyes were half shut, he had an evil grin while his eyes her glowing. She gulped. "I wouldn't say 'superior', but yes, she knocked me out because I defeated her." She said quietly. A low growl began to emit from King Shadow's throat.

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