Part 12: The pep talk

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On Valentine's Day, (also Amy and King Shadow's birthday) King Shadow made a "special" gift for Amy. Since Amy was in the kitchen helping prepare the food for the Valentine's Ball, it gave King Shadow more time to practice. He was in his and Amy's room preparing for later that evening. He took a deep breath and spoke. "R-Rose... No. My dear Rose... *sigh* This is getting difficult." King Shadow said to himself. He pressured the area closest to his nose. "Dude, just suck it up and ask her." A teenager's voice said. King Shadow turned around and saw his partner, Erik. Erik was a semi-short teenager with short hair. He died due to his insanity a month before Project Shadow was completed. After he died, he became the colors of his soul (black, red, and pink) and his soul became King Shadow's soul. "Hey, Erik." King Shadow said gloomily. Erik just rolled his eyes and floated towards his distraught partner. He made King Shadow face him. "Listen to me when I tell you this. Amy adores you! If anything, she'll say 'yes' a trillion times." Erik said encouragingly. King Shadow looked at Erik for a moment. Then, he spoke. "What if she doesn't...?" He asked quietly. Erik face palmed himself. He took a deep, deep breath and spoke. "Then why in the Bloody Hell would she be your girlfriend?" He asked annoyed. There was an awkward silence that gave Erik an answer to his question. He face palmed himself again.

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