The Forest

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Akame sat on the branches of the oak tree, comfortably hiding in its leaves. Tatsumi was...dead. For so long she had seen death, and she had learned to, continue. But it hurt, it hurt so much. She had no idea who was alive, and whilst, she had no chance with Tatsumi (Mine and Esdeath made sure of that) that didn't stop the dull ache of her heart. Akame, for one moment, allowed her eyes to close, allowed the world to slip away, to lower her senses, and pretend everything was alright. The water that fell from the tree in the process, salty nourishment to the dirt below, as Akame allowed her emotions to show. A sob ripping through her throat, through her body - she allowed herself to fall. Hoping, just hoping, that the pain in her bleeding heart would subside if only for an instant. When arms enclosed around her, she let herself slip away. Let the warmth seep into her body, and let the fear melt away.


Leone had managed to stumble her way to a vacant room in an inn the following dreary hours after the battle. Chelsea, Lubbock, Mine, Susanoo, everyone. Leone hated that she was still breathing. She had seen the enemy, seen how so many of them were brainwashed, twisted, warped since birth. Instead of hate, she had been overcome with nothing but pity for them all. Now, Leone was lost. She felt, empty, bare...and without Lionel...weak.

Not long after recovering, she had set out to travel, using her natural ability to hunt and protect. Her wounds, as a result, reopening multiple times over. Leone had travelled longer than she was aware, and it had been longer than she was aware when the final war had taken place. She had walked to a forest in the middle of nowhere, where she had seen a familiar face. Akame.

Leone was about to call out to her, when her friend slipped from the branch she was sitting on. Leone rushed forward, reaching out her arms and encircling it around Akame's childish form. Akame snuggled closer into Leone, Leone smiling at the unconscious action. "I have you".


Akame awoke to a warm feeling all around her. Dazedly looking at her form, she saw that she was being held in someone’s arms, a woollen blanket pulled around the both of them. A fire was blazing in front of them, making the blonde strands of the stranger luminate in the glowing light. Looking up, Akame saw that it wasn't a stranger at all (which, now that she thought about it, made complete sense as she hadn't attempted to raise her guard once more in the slightest).

"Hey, Akame." Leone grinned down at her, her dimples glowing in the firelight.

"Hey." Akame looked back at her, a small smile on her face. "What are you-"

"Don't know. Just staggering through a forest until I found you falling from a tree. And as to where we are, no idea. How long it's been?" Leone pushed a strand free from Akame's face and behind her ear, "No idea. Sorry."

"Alright." Akame nodded in reply, grateful that Leone made it so she hadn't the need to speak more. Akame glanced towards the fire once more, watching the strands of flames lick at the darkness of the night sky. Shaking her head, Akame looked back at Leone who was watching the stars.

"Do you ever, wish for a second chance?"

Akame thought it over. Yes. It was an obvious answer. She wanted a second chance, of course. She just knew she didn't deserve it.

"I wish for a second chance at life."

Akame looked towards Leone in surprise, who was already staring back at her, their eyes locked together. The crackling fire beside them, the shooting stars above them, and the water that meandered through the forest not far off in a freshwater stream.

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