Meet the Protagonists

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The next day, the four women dressed in the clothes Erza had brought out of her storage. Erza had never been happier that she kept spare clothes for all her teammates. Wendy’s clothes fit Akame well (expected really) whereas Leone wore Lucy’s and Mira and herself wore some of her own.

Akame was dressed in a black blouse with a green tie, a dark blue skirt, short white socks and black flats. Leone wore a white button up shirt, yellow shorts with brown ankle boots and Erza’s brown leather jacket. Mira wore a pink dress that reached her upper thighs, white low-heeled shoes and a white denim jacket. Erza wore a red shirt with the top buttons undone; a short black skirt, white socks and black flats. Mira had taken Weiss’ advice from the day before and had untied her bangs, allowing it to fall into her left eye. Erza’s hair had been pulled into a low ponytail and Leone and Akame had just left their own hair down.

“We ready?!” Leone asked her companions enthusiastically.

They all gave nods of approval, allowing Leone to open the door in excitement and almost skip toward the dining hall. Erza left last, taking a last look to make sure Akame’s sword was still there, before locking their dorm.

“Hey guys!” Ruby’s voice called out from behind them and they turned just in time to see the red head dash towards them with incredible speed, leaving roses in her wake. She bolted at Leone, jumping at her.

Her teammates immediately yelled at Ruby, thinking she had just knocked Leone over; however, they were surprised to see Leone laughing as she held Ruby off the ground by the hood of her cloak, Ruby’s feet dangling in the air as they continued to attempt to run.

Weiss raised an eyebrow, scoffing. “Really Ruby? You can’t just run at someone. You’re our leader and therefore you represent our team. Don’t disgrace it.”

“Oh, come on.” Yang laughed as she walked towards them, honestly looking rather cool, “lay off my lil’ sis.”

“Little sister?” Leone queried, looking between Yang and Ruby perplexed.

Yang laughed, deftly taking Ruby by the hood and plucking her from Leone’s grip, setting her back on her feet. “Half-sisters.” She smirked, leaning an arm on Ruby’s shoulder. “But she’s my everything.”

“She’s adorable.” Mira smiled, placing a hand on Ruby’s head and ruffling it.

Ruby blushed, looking up at Mira with adoration.

“No. Bad Ruby. No falling for the new pretty lady.” Yang scolded her sister, pulling her away from Mirajane. Ruby blushing impossibly harder as a result.

She attempted to squirm her way out of her sister's arms, “I can't help it! She's so beautiful!”

Mira simply giggled, pulling a strand of hair behind her ear with a slight blush.

Ezra rolled her eyes, knowing that Mira was purposefully messing with the girl. Mira was too used to admirers (open, secretive and stalkerish) and had long since perfected her bashful and grateful act that kept her fans and admirers happy. It was honestly sad how many people fell for the innocent facade.

Leone laughed heartily, “that makes more sense! No offence to you Ruby, but you are sort of lacking where it counts!”

“I hope you aren’t our team leader.” Akame said, glaring at Leone as she clutched her chest, personally offended (Ruby and Weiss were doing the same).

“Oh, chill Akame. You know you don’t count. You’re too scary to piss off.” Leone rubbed a hand against Akame’s head, making the dark-haired girl swat at the hand in an attempt to get Leone to stop.

“Leone, stop.” Mira spoke up. “We have things to focus on remember?”


“Forget it. Let’s just get breakfast and prepare for the day, shall we?”

“Yes mum.” Leone groaned, mocking Mira for her motherly behaviour.
The glare that Mira shot Leone made all present (and some students loitering in the corridors) flinch; Blake and Leone almost jumping into the air as all of their feline instincts told them to flee from the soon to be crime scene. Erza, who was used to Mira’s glares, wondered why she had flinched. Did reverting back to their teenage forms, bring back some of those past reflexes?

Weiss was in awe of Mira, and after shaking off her hesitation, walked to Mira’s side with a smile. Mira immediately reciprocated the smile, walking off with Weiss to the hall.

The remaining team members left behind shook off their own fear and hesitation and followed the white-haired women at a distance – both Leone and Yang having gone silent.

Mira was surprised to find the hall was almost the same size of Fairy Tail’s entire guild hall. The sleek, modernised design of the hall made the rather simple, ordinary school lunch layout seem expensive and fit for royalty.

Leone and Akame immediately followed Yang and Ruby as they went to the line. Erza approached the two girls. “Mira, I’ll get us something.”

Mira smiled in thanks at Erza as she headed off with Blake who had agreed to do the same for Weiss.

“Over here!” A masculine and excited voice yelled from the front table.

Weiss led Mira to the source. “Hey Pyrrha.” She greeted, ignoring the blond male who had called them over. “Mind if we do introductions when all teams arrive?”

“Of course not. It’s the most logical.” Replied the red-head – Pyrrha.

Weiss sat one seat down from Pyrrha, to the left; Mira taking a seat to Weiss’ left. It didn’t take long for the others to arrive; Erza taking a seat across from Mira and placing a tray in front of her. Ruby sat in-between Pyrrha and Weiss, Blake across from her and Yang sitting down to her right.  Akame sat beside Erza; Leone across from Akame, beside Mira.

“Akame Night, nice to meet you.” Akame began the wave of introductions, traveling up her side of the table.

“Erza Scarlet, a pleasure.”

“You already know me, Yang Xiao Long, best brawler the academy’s ever seen!”

“Blake Belladonna,” Blake nodded.

“Nora Valkyrie. Nice to meet yah ladies! I know we’ll get along really well.”

“Lie Ren. Ren is my preference.”

The blond boy from before, sitting across from Ren spoke next. “Jaune Arc. What’s up?” Like Joan of Arc?

“Pyrrha Nikos. It’s nice to meet you all.” Pyrrha pointed at Jaune, Nora and Ren. “We’re team JNPR and Jaune is our team leader.” Those at the head of the table opted to ignore the looks of disbelief mirrored on Akame, Leone, Erza and Mira’s faces.

“Ruby Rose, the youngest. Sadly.”

“There’s nothing wrong with being the youngest, Ruby. I’m Weiss Schnee.” Gesturing at Yang, Blake and Ruby, “team RWBY, Ruby is our leader.”

Mira rose an eyebrow, wandering if Ozpin purposefully chose ill-suited members to be team leaders.

“Mirajane Strauss. But I prefer Mira.”

“Leone Gaea. Lion faunus and all around badass!”

“Now that we’ve finished getting acquainted; how about you show us a semblance?” Jaune questioned.

“Jaune.” Pyrrha scolded, “you can’t make them do that.”

“Yeah, leave it a surprise! That way, when we best them in combat they can’t argue.” Yang smirked triumphantly at the idea.

“They don’t have combat classes yet.” Weiss said, stopping Yang from imagining it any further.

Yang looked at the four new students, confused. “You don’t?”

“No,” Mira giggled. “We don’t even have a team name or even a leader yet.”

7 people at the table gave the new group shocked looks.
What even?


After eating breakfast that consisted of pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausages, waffles, coffee, tea and various other things; Akame, Leone, Erza and Mira were heading to their first class being led there by team RWBY. Showing them the spare music room.

Team RWBY left as they entered.

“Welcome, to semblance understanding.” A woman with blonde hair done up in a bun greeted, “I am Professor Goodwitch and I will be helping you understand the basics of this world by request of Headmaster Ozpin. Now sit.” She said, whipping a riding crop(?!) against her desk with a sharp crack that made all present wince.

They hurried to take the four only seats in the room, right at the front; sitting in this order: Erza, Mira, Akame and then Leone from the window (left side).

“All professors are aware of your current predicament so feel free to go to any of them for advice. Today we’ll start by simply figuring out what your semblances can do and naming your team.” Prof. Goodwitch gestured to Erza with her riding crop. “Miss Scarlet, if you’ll please start.”

Erza stood, holding out her hand and summoning her favourite sword, her katana which belonged to her samurai/bandage clothing.

Prof. Goodwitch paused, staring wide-eyed at the sword that had appeared into Erza’s hand.

“That’s...rare. Is that all you can do?”
“No. Clothing also.” Erza smiled, the next words she spoke being a necessary lie, “although I don’t have any armour.”

“Alright.” Goodwitch nodded, taking her at her word. “Miss Strauss?”

Mira nodded, standing and allowing her power to flow through her body. After a while, a white light appeared and, after it dimmed, a light brown fox with white bangs and a fuzzy brown and white tail, stood on the desk. “Hello.”

Goodwitch stared at Mira, unsure how to react, before she just sighed. “That’s new. Almost like magic, really. Anyway, next, Miss Night?”

Akame shook her head sadly, “I can’t do much without my sword.”

“We’ll need to fix that.” Goodwitch said, a slight frown on her face, “Miss Gaea?”

Leone sighed, “my power relies on hand to hand combat.”

Goodwitch hums. “I don’t think you’ll need these special timetables in three days. That should be long enough. At that point you will be able to take part in the live exhibition match next week.”

Leone laughed happily, “can’t wait!”

“Oh, and Headmaster Ozpin has already chosen your team. Team MALE. Mirajane Strauss. You are the leader.”

“Definitely not.” Mira immediately protested. “To both the name and leadership.”

“Well the other name we came up with was MEAL. And, you can’t deny your leadership role. Trust in your team to show you why you deserve it.” All four open their mouths in protest, Goodwitch raising a hand and silencing them quickly. “Team MEAL it is then. Now, follow me.”

All four girls stood, following the female professor down the long hallways, past multiple classrooms: weapon maintenance perhaps?

Goodwitch nodded towards one room 4 down from the one they were in named, Active Combat “Next week you will start attending that class. I believe, team JNPR has that same class.” She led them to a large door left of another corridor. “Arena 4. This one is almost always empty so you can use it for practice as long as you have these passes.” She handed them each a white plastic card, with a green and black stripe on it.

Goodwitch swiped her own card at the keypad, gesturing for each of them to do the same. The doorway opened for one person at a time, closing behind each person.

Once they had all entered, they saw there was a red mat that took up most of the floor, doors that led out most likely leading to changing rooms and 5 rows of seats on 3 sides. There was also a giant cube that had multiple black screens, hanging from the ceiling.

“Cool.” Leone whistled appreciatively as she saw the arena.

Goodwitch turned to Akame, “Miss Night, go through those doors and choose a weapon for now.”

Akame followed her instructions, walking towards the door Professor Goodwitch had pointed out. The teacher then turned to Erza and Leone. “Take positions on the mat. I want to see what you both can do. Miss Strauss, you’ll be versing Miss Night next so pay attention.”

Erza and Leone walked onto the red mat as Goodwitch stood near the entrance, umpiring. Mira took a seat on one of the front rows, Akame joining her a short while later with a katana.

“Now then. Without further ado, let the match: begin!”

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