Welcome to Beacon!

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Mira was in complete awe of the place they were taken to, the flying vehicle they were in to take them there a seemingly odd mix of tech and ancient materials. The building they saw now mimicked that design. Large white, stone archways bordered the long walkway from the vehicle to the castle in the background. Pools of water were spotted around each pillar and grass encircling them. Lampposts styled as antique lanterns lined the stone walkway; not currently lit as it was still day. The castle at the end of the path had multiple turrets, some spiked and some curved, with large stylish windows and bridges leading to other areas. People stared at the five women as they walked, or rather, the four strangers. The people around them were young, teenagers really; carrying bags and books and weapons. Akame felt a shiver run up her spine, was this a place to train assassins?

Welcome to Beacon Academy. The only place in Vale to go if you want to become a huntsman or huntress! Ruby explained with enthusiasm, giving a little twirl. Ill be taking you to the headmasters office where you can meet Headmaster Ozpin. If theres anyone who can help you its him!

Does this girl only speak with exclamation marks? Mira thought, before choosing her next words carefully. Dont be silly. Youre helping us right now. Thank you.

Ruby stopped and turned to Mira, the 16-year-old seeming extremely kind wearing a white sundress with violet gloves and a dark purple belt at her waist with a golden buckle. Purple flats with white straps and a gold band in her hair. Ruby was honestly stunned for a moment, she wasbeautiful, and extremely kind and polite to boot. Of course; so busy admiring the girl with snow white, almost silvery hair and crystal blue eyes and adorable, baby pink dimples; she didnt see the slight smirks her other three companions shared, or to notice when the white-haired girl from before and an elderly but young (wait what?) man both approaching her.

Ruby, stop drooling and pay attention. The white-haired girl spoke up haughtily, looking down on the girl before her.

Ruby blushed, wiping at the literal drool on her chin with her sleeve that she frankly hadnt even noticed. Sorry, Weiss.

An appreciative whistle came from behind them. A brightly golden-haired woman; probably the same if not more gifted in the upper course of her body as Lucy; stepped forward, her hair untamed and her outfit slightly revealingeverywhere. She smirked, stepping closer to Mira. Hey beautiful, the names Yang. What about you, Snow White?

Mira smiled kindly, Mirajane, although I prefer Mira.

A beautiful name for a gorgeous girl. Yang winked, and then was promptly pulled back by her orange scarf.

The culprit was another girl, dressed in black and white, what seemed like a whip at her hip and a large black bow on her head. Ignore her. My name is Blake Belladonna. Weiss Schnee, She pointed at the tiara wearing white haired girl, Ruby Rose, as Im sure she shouldve told you. The shouldve part making it clear that Ruby sometimes forgot her manners. Yang Xiao Long. She isnt worth remembering. She gestured to Yang who yelled in defiance. And this, is Headmaster Ozpin.

Thank you for that, Miss Belladonna. The man – Ozpin – and Blake nodded to one another. Miss Schnee has informed me that you four are lost, am I correct?

Not quite. Erza replied for them all. My name is Erza Scarlet and right now, the four of us are simply just trying to unlock our powers.

That was a lie. Leone, Akame, Mira and Erza hadnt discussed this before hand but the three others were smart enough not to protest and to just trust Erza for this one. However, Ozpin seemed to be able to see right through them.

Intriguing. Would the four of you please follow me? Team RWBY, I thank you all for your assistance.


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