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Akame liked the guild they had found themselves in – Fairy Tail. It was, lively. It reminded her of the good days of Night Raid, the ones that made her smile, made her feel at home. But Fairy Tail, it loved to be generous and loud and lively. All who got close found themselves sucked into their happiness. They had allowed both Akame and Leone to stay with Mirajane, a beautiful and smiling woman who had gladly agreed to take them in. Originally, they had arrangements to stay at the Fairy Hills; the girls dorm for Fairy Tail guild members; however, Erza suggested otherwise as many of them were annoyingly curious so they would never have a moments peace. Mira had immediately offered, explaining that herself and her siblings had two spare rooms and an extra suite that they could use for as long as they needed.

Akame loved this place: white walls, extra fluffy beds and mountains upon mountains of food. They had a lot of food to give and were very happy sharing it, although Elfman (Miras brother) was constantly shouting about how she ate like a man. Akame had to pause in her eating too many times for her own liking to hold Leone back from smashing a fist into his face.

Come on, talk to big sis, tell her whats wrong. Leone spoke up from across the room they were currently in, the one Akame was meant to stay in, lounging on the plush bed covers with her eye closed to the light.

Whats wrong? Akame stood up from the desk she sat at, moving to the double bed that Leone was relaxing on. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Akame looked at Leone who hadnt yet opened her eyes, her arms behind her head. There are so many things that are wrong.

Leone peered one eye open, looking the girl before her over. At least were together.

Akame smiled slightly before she shoved at Leones legs. Get. This is my room.

Leone laughed, standing. Reaching out her hand, she ruffled Akames hair. Akame attempted to bat her hand away. Im right next door. If you need me.

Akame placed a hand on her head, feeling the ghost of Leones touch as the older woman walked out the room with a skip in her step. Smiling, Akame placed her sword under her covers before lying on top of the white sheets. They felt, looked, odd against Akames skin. Ashen hair and ashen and bloody clothing. She felt as though the colours of her clothing might actually rub off on the sheets with the distasteful appearance. Feeling tears reach her eyes, Akames turned on her side, burying her face in the pillows.


Leone rested her tired form against Akames door, listening to her friends sorrow with shadowed eyes. The shadow of who they were, still clear for anyone to see.

This way. Id like to speak to you privately for a moment. Miras voice wafted through the corridor to Leones ears, gently and reassuring. Looking towards the white-haired woman, Leone decided to follow her.

They arrived in her room, a table and three chairs set beneath a window and across from a bed. Mira gestured for Leone to take a seat on one of the chairs.

What did you want to know? Leone asked, getting straight to the point.

How much death have you faced? Mira asked bluntly, pouring a tea into two fine china teacups and placing one before Leone, the other before herself as she took a seat across from her.

Leone looked her over. Mira was the one who had reprimanded the blonde from before for asking personal questions insensitively.

As if reading her mind, Mira smiled, continuing, 10 questions each.

Leone thought it over, looking down at the green swirling liquid in the cup, before smiling wryly as she looked back up to Mira. Its stained my ledger. And you?

Humming, Mira nodded, accepting easily that Leone had killed before, then she replied. Ithink its normal.

Leone understood the deeper meaning behind that. To see death as normal, truly, means that you have to had seen many, especially close deaths. Why are you helping us?

Mira giggled, shaking her head. My turn. Is Akame all you have left?

Yes. Leone sipped at her teas, watching the woman before her warily who had twinkling blue eyes. Same question as before.

We like to help. Fairy Tail, we bring happiness and hope andfamily, to those we need it. Personally though, Akame reminds me of Erza. Mira laughed, eyes twinkling further. Suddenly, the atmosphere changed. Akames sword, why do I feel such intense darkness radiating from it? I hear screams of agony.

This surprised Leone, after all, only Akame was supposed to be able to hear the screams. Thinking over her reply and next question carefully, Leone spoke, cautious not to give too much away. Souls live inside. Why can you hear them? What is your association with the dead?

Thats too questions, but Ill answer nonetheless. Mira sipped at her own tea, looking out towards the dark night beyond the glass, as though it offered her comfort. Leone figured that was most likely the case. Im guessing; I can hear them because I too have souls living within me. I takeover demon lives, I have their blood running through my veins. I am a demon.

The blonde could tell that Mira was being genuine, although perhaps demons in this world were actually angels because Leone had seen true demons, and Mira was nothing like that. By choice?

No. Mira replied solemnly, giving Leone her full attention once more. My three questions. What age are the both of you? What were the wishes you made? Were you aware this would happen whilst you were making them?

Shes 19, Im 26. We both wishedfor second chances. And, no, we didnt know this would happen. Leone frowned to herself before shaking her head, turning back to the woman patiently waiting. What were your wishes?

My own was for, Erzas happiness. She says Erzas name like its a prayer, as though she yearns for Erza to say her name in the same way. Leone knows then. Knows how Mira feels and feels a wave of pity towards her. Mira senses it and continues, hoping to change the subject. I dont know Erzas. When did you first kill someone?

Too early to really remember. But Leone doesnt let her previous thought go to waste. What does Erza mean to you?

Mira sighs, finishing her tea and Leone follows suit. Sheseverything. But you cant tell her that.

Leone laughs, grinning at the white-haired woman. I expect nothing weve said to be shared.

Mirajane smiles also, understanding, as she giggles, realising it was a stupid and unnecessary thought. What is Akame to you?

Leone considers it fully before she speaks. Akames is now all she has left. By best friend. All the family I have left.

Mira smiles, reaching out her hand to place it atop Leones gently, comfortingly. Not anymore.

Leone gives her a thankful smile, before she too feels herself shaking her head, dismissing the thoughts that attempt to cloud her mind. Number eight. How do we get home?

Frowning sympathetically, Mira shook her head sadly. Im afraid, I dont know the answer to that.

Leone nodded in understanding. Do you think you can help us? She was hopeful for assistance. Honestly, Leone had no idea what she was doing, and she doubted Akame did either, any help was a godsend.

Of course, well all help. The question is though, do you really want to go home? Mira released Leones hand, standing and collecting both cups to rest them once more on her desk beside the teapot. Mira knew Leone would need time to think this over, she didnt expect an answer.

Leone was puzzled. Of course, she wanted to go home, it washer home, right? But, Akame was here with her, and everyone else was dead. So, what would she be going back to? I dontI dont know.

I think Ill save my last question for later. Mira gave her a knowing smile.

As will I. Leone stood, smiling and thankful. Mira was already helping.

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