A New Home

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"Macy," my sister says opening the door without even a knock.

"What have I told you about knocking?" I pause my music, I can feel my hands heat up.

"Whatever, anyways Mom wants you downstairs," she replies.

"Okay," I say as I get up off my bed.

I calm myself down as I walk downstairs where my mom is waiting in the family room.

"Mitzi said you wanted to see me."

"Macy, why is my favorite vase broken?"

"I don't know, it wasn't me," I tell the truth.

"I told you that if you keep breaking things that you would be sent to Mike and Vanessa's," my mom says.

"It wasn't me," I repeat.

"Then who was it?" My dad asks.

"I don't know, maybe Mitzi," I respond.

"Don't blame this on your sister," my mom says.

My mom has started to treat me like my dad and sister, which makes me feel like I'm unloved.

"We are giving you one last chance. No breaking things, no setting things on fire, no tearing up the furniture," my mom says.

"I understand," I say turning around and heading back to my room.

I return to my music, The Winx always know how I feel.

The events that have been happening lately have really been scaring me, I have been setting things on fire without touching them, things keep breaking, and don't get me started on the furniture. I have been going over to Mike and Vanessa's because I know that they know what might be going on. I mean even though they aren't magical they can always get a hold of Bloom.

All this started happening right before Christmas.

I take a pre-packed suitcase out of my closet because I have a feeling that something will happen soon.

I smell smoke coming from my room even before the smoke alarm goes off. I have a feeling that I'm going to get blamed for it so I take my suitcase as I rush downstairs.

"Macy!" my dad yells.

"I'm going," I say walking out the door.

I don't even say goodbye to my family.

I don't think they would care anyway, my mom is treating me different.

I knock on the door to Mike and Vanessa's.

"My house caught fire," I say before Vanessa even finishes opening the door.

"Mike, call your squad, the Claymont's house is on fire," Vanessa yells.

I stand out of the way as Mike runs out of the house and talks into a radio.

"Macy, is everyone okay?" Vanessa asks.

"I'm not entirely sure, I came straight over."

Vanessa looks down at my suitcase, "Come on in, you can stay in the guest room."

"Thank you," I respond walking into my new home.

"Make yourself at home and come down when you're ready," she says guiding me to the guest room.

"Okay," I walk into what is my room until we figure everything out.

I lay on the bed and stare at the ceiling wishing that I knew exactly what is going on.

After a few minutes, I hear the doorbell ring but I am too uncomfortable to open it.

"Macy, someone is here for you," Vanessa's voice comes up the stairs.

With my luck, it's probably my dad who is going to want to yell at me.

"Mom, what are you doing here?"

"Everyone is okay, Mitzi is staying at Dharma's."

"What about you and dad?"

"Your dad and I are going to stay with your aunt, he is on his way there now, I just wanted to drop by and tell you that I love you and I know that everything was an accident and I sent you over here because Mike and Vanessa will take better care of you."

"Why have you been so mean to me?"

"I didn't want your dad to think that I was okay with all the things that happened," she explains.

"I understand," I see her actions were actually to protect me.

"Elizabeth, let's go!" my dad yells from the car.

"Thank you for understanding, I love you," my mom says giving me a huge hug.

"I love you too," I tear up a little.

"Take care of my little girl and keep me updated on what is going on," my mom says to Vanessa.

"You know I will," Vanessa says opening the door.

My heart breaks as I watch the only parent who loves me drive away.

"Are you okay?" Vanessa asks closing the door as the car turns.

"I'm scared, this is the sixth time I accidentally set the house on fire," I wipe away my flowing tears.

"Don't worry Macy, everything will be okay and we will figure out what is happening."

"Thanks," I wipe my tears.

"Go back to your room and I will try to call Bloom."

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