CHAPTER 3 | The Interview

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I was still a fresh girl out of college and was looking for a secure job. It's been a week since the re-union and Alex and I had been inseparable since, so naturally, she was sprawled alongside me on the floor of my living room, searching up potential jobs for me. She pointed at something on her laptop screen, 'The CEO of Axel Industries is looking for a PA. Seems like your type of place. A few years or knowing your potential, months maybe, you could be promoted to a position with a big salary'

'That's a very prestigious company. I don't think I can get in even with my qualifications', I answer, 'Plus, it says that the interview date is tomorrow and I don't have much background information on the company. Also, it's a place you'd need a letter of recommendation from an employer and last time I checked, I don't know anyone there'

She smiles mischievously, 'Actually, You do and she'd be happy to write one for you'

I frowned, 'Who?'

She got up and stood straight; I turned into a sitting position and faced her position in order to look at her. She strikes a pose dramatically, 'You're looking at the assistant to head of the pharmaceuticals department in Axel Industries. I know I'm not a major player there but, I've worked there fresh off high school and my boss respects me as hell'

'You're serious?' I got up, shocked.

She pulled me into her now familiar life squeezing hugs and lets go, 'Hell yeah I am'

I wanted to tear up, 'You'd do that for me?'

'I mean, true, it was a shitty move cutting ties with me but that's all forgiven and you know how much I missed you. Take the letter as a late birthday present for the last years. For both birthdays, mind you', she smirked.

'Literally the best birthday present I ever got in my whole life. That company is seriously difficult to secure a position in. How did you do it?' I ask, impressed.

She shrugged, 'My brother is kind of dating my boss's kid. It was a very indirect recommendation'

'Jacob is gay', I say flatly.

'My boss has a son', she replies ,'It took a lot of courage for him to come out of the closet to his dad but in the end, he did and his dad took it well but his mum kind of didn't'

'Ouch', I wince, 'Poor kid'

'Yeah, but she hasn't ever been mother of the year at all so he's quite okay', she grins.

'I'm happy. It's about time Jacob found someone', I state.

Jacob Thompson was Alex's older brother. He's kind of a goof ball with his jokes and comments but he has always been there for Alex and me. He's also the best person to hang around with if you're upset about something because a minute with him is enough to give you a headache from laughing too much. He even looked as fun as he was. He has the same shade of hair Alex has and his face had soft features with a big but not unattractive nose and he had lips that seemed to be contorted to a smile by default. It took a lot to make him get upset. If he gets upset, me and Alex both get upset and cry along with him. I shudder at the time when he first watched the Fault in Our Stars.

Alex looks me over and stops at my oversized white shirt that had the Simpsons plastered all over, doing and saying various things in little mini speech bubbles, 'Tell me you've got good work attire? You need to have a good first impression. It's not the first day just for you tomorrow; it's also the first day of the new CEO. He bought the whole company out from Mr. Chang. I have no idea what he's like nor who he is'

I freeze, as far as I know, my little cupboard hadn't ever held a single formal outfit in its whole existence. I look at her nervously, 'Want to go shopping?'

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