Chapter 7 | Private Jets, The Boss and Her

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I looked at myself in the mirror, biting my lip. I was wearing a crème shaded pant with a tucked white shirt and a crème jacket thrown over it; its zips a glimmering gold. I poked my feet into the matching crème heels and let out a sigh. Is it too much crème?

I combed my hair with my fingers and moaned. My hair was all over the place; it was in knots that would leave Einstein confused. How could I meet him with my hair like this? I did my best combing it and by the time I was done, my bell rang. I quickly put it into a ponytail, the band threatening to break due to my suddenly volume enhanced hair. Don't get me wrong, my hair looked wonderful once combed, but I don't think it would be professional if my hair was let down.

I scrambled over to my door and opened it to an old gentleman standing, 'Hello, is this Miss Topaz's residence?'

I nod my head.

He perks up,'Ah, nice to meet you miss. I'm Joseph; I'm Mister Black's chauffer'

'Oh, nice to meet you as well. You can call me Jennifer by the way. Or jenny, if that's what you prefer. May I ask why you're here?'

He frowns, 'I was instructed to pick you up. Mister Black is downstairs in the car waiting for you'

My eyes widen, 'I was under the impression to meet him at the airport in...' I look at the plain white kids' watch on my wrist and quickly hide it behind my back, 'an hour'

He shrugs.

'Give me a moment', I turn and then turn back, 'Actually, do you mind helping me with this?'

I point to the last-minute borrowed black trunk from Alex.

'Sure, I'll take it to the car and wait for you downstairs', he smiles.

I came downstairs five minutes later; my watch abandoned and my heels clacking in the moonlighted pathway. I look around, confused but the sound of an engine starting directed me to a black Audi parked underneath the pitch black shade of a tree.

I hurry over and open the door to see Hunter, 'Oh, sorry, I'll get in from the other side'

'Don't bother', he slid gracefully to the left, 'Get in. We're already late'

I get in, not as graceful, my shoulder bumping against his as I pulled the heavy door close behind me. I freeze as I felt him tense. He turns, looking at my face, 'Can you move?'

I quickly move aside just as the car begins to drive, pushing my body against the door as an attempt to move as far away from him as physically possible. This was going to be a long ride and I'm sure to have bruises on the side where the sharp interiors of the door dug into my body.

For such an expensive car, it seemed like they never thought about space, just the speed.

This could be the cause as it was a true sports vehicle.

Hunter seemed to have read my mind, 'It's usually just me driving. Joseph only drives me to places where I won't need the car to come back.'

I nod and managed to squeak, 'It's nice'

'Sure it is', he looks at me, 'Why would I buy it otherwise?'

I nod, unsure of what to reply.

'Fine', he finally says.

I look at him, puzzled; the passing streetlights leaving a galaxy of white and blue and yellow lights on his face.

'You don't have to sit like that. You can come closer. It's a few hours to the airport', he says.

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