Chapter 5 | My Name

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I was sitting on my bed, legs crossed as Alex paced my room. It's been a few days since I started work with Hunter Black and the only thing I looked forward to most these days was meeting up with Alex. Even though we work in the same building, we barely talk and barely see each other. Her work place is situated floors below me while I have to stay right at the top.

It was incredible how people looked from the vantage point of my windows. They were tiny and as insignificant looking as the ants I see every day, trying to pick up the crumbs I drop when I eat. But unlike ants, they didn't travel in order or unison. I saw the dots that were their bodies move about in scattered directions, crossing everyone on their path.

'So what's he like?' Alex asked me, breaking me out of my trance.

'Hunter?', I ask, a bit puzzled ,'A little unsettling if I was to be honest'

Alex sits next to me and stretches her legs, 'What do you mean?'

'He's really dominating for instance. He gives very specific orders and doesn't seem to acknowledge anyone else when he's doing his work; even if a stripper came and danced for him, I doubt he'd notice', I answer.

'You got me at dominating', Alex gushes, 'I mean, it's Christian Grey in reality'

'And you lost me at the fifty shades reference. You know I don't watch that stuff. It's a shame that you do', I state.

She laughs, 'You're missing out Jenny. He's dreamy'

'Who? Mister Grey or Mister Black?' I smirk.

She holds my hand and looks at me seriously, 'Both'

I look at her and her lips slowly contort to a smile. She jumps out of bed and stretches, 'Who knows? Maybe Black will fall for you'.

'I don't think he has feelings in order to fall for someone Alex', I state and swing my legs over and stand up, pulling my Garfield shirt down as it rode up.

Alex looks at me and raises an eyebrow. Dang. She has such sleek brows,' Woman, if I was lesbian, I'd totally bang you. Wait, speaking of banging. Do you think Hunter is a virgin?'

And this conversation turned from depressing to straight out embarrassing, 'What? Didn't he bang Chloe?'

Alex pondered for a while and then shook her head,'Nope. He never had much of a sex life in school but publicly right now, there's some nasty rumors going round with them'

This got me curious, 'Like what?'

'You know Chloe is like loaded right?'

I nod my head.

'Well turns out she's to inherit a whole business. Her last name is Palmer. Ring any bells?', Alex asks.

'It does', I say, scrunching my nose, 'but I can't quite place it'

'Her father is Jay Palmer. He owns and runs all oil trade in Saudi. It's big business for something we never really gave much thought for', Alex says, 'Chloe looks like an Arab princess because she basically is one. She's related to some sheikh as well'

'So she's loaded than the average loaded. Surprising', I roll my eyes, 'What does that have to do with Hunter?'

She waves her hand, clearly annoyed that I couldn't guess, 'She was after him in High school and she's after him now. It's not really love for her but a way to increase her social position. Hunter was loaded in high school yes, but he stopped taking funds from his father after he got into Harvard and became independent and then he started his business and is now a multi-billionaire which elevated her interest in him. Following me?'

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