8. Science

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Small A/N: I just saw episode 309 of Fairy tail and I died.. many... many times. It's supposed to be a comedy anime but, I keep crying. I never cry, I haven't cried in years and watching the last few episodes of fairy tail has made me cry more times that I have in years.

Quote 1:
"In that case, you have nothing to fear. Mistakes aren't made by locking your feelings and holding back... They're made while wearing your heart on your sleeve." - Mavis Vermillion

Quote 2:
"Comrade isn't simply a word. Comrades are about heart. It's the unconditional trust in your partners. Please, feel free to lean on me... and I too, will lean on you as well." - Mavis Vermillion

Last Chapter:

"Ms. Aries, I can't find a partner." Natsu told ms. Aries. 'How could the most cutest and popular guy in school not have a partner.' Lucy thought to herself. Ms. Aries looked around the class looking for someone else without a partner until she saw Lucy and told natsu "You can be Lucy's partner. She doesn't have one so, it would be perfect." Natsu just nodded and walked over to her.

"Hey Luce!"

"Hey Luce!" Lucy heard Natsu say. "Umm... what are you doing here?" She questioned. "Shouldn't some girls be fawning over you to be your partner?" She then continued after catching catching her breath. "They'd say 'oh Natsu! Please be my partner! I'm begging you!' Or 'Natsu darling! Come be my partner!'" She was being super dramatic and was flinging her arms around like she was in a drama performance, being as extra as possible. After the female finished natsu was laughing uncontrollably. "Hahaha! Lu...ce y-you a...re h-hilarious!" He was stuttering to speak. Lucy's guess was because he was laughing too much to speak properly. When he finally calmed down he started talking again. "Actually, no. No one asked me to be their partner, and it seems that everyone has paired up. I went to tell Ms.Aries and she told me to be your partner, since apparently you always do these by yourself."

That shocked the female. 'Why wouldn't anyone want to be with him. Well, I wouldn't, but I'm not like them.' The blonde thought. He interrupted her thoughts with another question, "why would you be alone?" This time it was Lucy who was laughing uncontrollably, which caused natsu to give her a confused look. "Have you seen me? I'm a nerd and I'm ugly. Why would somebody want to work with me?" Natsu looked like he just got pissed and almost yelled, 'you're not ugly, you're a beautiful person both inside and out!' But, he kept his voice quiet and said it.

That shocked Lucy even more. She was so confused that she could barley speak. All that she managed to say was, "W-wh...what?!?" He then started blushing like crazy, and was averting his gaze from Lucy's.

Things were getting super awkward, so she decided to change the subject. "Anyways, let's get on with this science project." He looked like he was trying to control his blush. When he finally did, he nodded. "Alright then! It says here that to dissect this frog we ne— WAIT WHAT! WE'RE DISSENTING FROGS! EW EW EW EW EW!" Lucy practically screamed. "Whoa there, you're scared of frogs?" Natsu asked her. She thought about it for a second then spoke, "no. I'm not scared of frogs, I just hate the idea of having to cut open a living, breathing thing." After she said that he told her that she could just tell him the instructions and he'll do all the work.


After class was over, they managed to dissect the frog properly. It wasn't fun at all for Lucy, especially when they were in the middle a cricket that the frog ate before he died jumped out and landed on Lucy. Which, caused her to scream. Natsu and Lucy were about to leave class to go to their next one, art with Mr. Scorpio, when Ms. Aries called them over. "Natsu Lucy please come here," they listened and walked over to her desk. "You two did an amazing job of dissecting the frog, but I saw that Natsu was the only one doing anything. That's surprising of you Lucy, you usually do these things by yourself, but it seemed like you didn't do anything. Sorry." Lucy then tried to explain to her that she was telling natsu what to do, and that she was doing something. "Sorry. I have to give you both detention for not participating equally. Please come after school to the music room. I'll be there. Sorry. Now, please go to your next class. Sorry." She told us, bowed then scurried off. Lucy was shocked she's never gotten detention before and she's always one of the only people who listen, do everything properly and excel. Frowning, the sad female made her way to music with natsu.


A/N: I hope you liked this part!

~870 words



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