Chapter 6: A Dating Spot?!

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The next morning, you wake up with Silica still asleep, sleeping peacefully next to you. You smile as you gently shake her awake. "Morning sleepy head." She yawns and leans you, still half asleep. "G... Good morning..." she sighs, smiling slightly. "Don't find me weird please, but how old are you Silica?" You ask, looking down at her. "I'm seventeen... I turn eighteen soon though." You sigh in relief as you think to yourself "Whew, I was afraid this would equal prison time..." You would stand up, but it seems like Silica isn't getting up, you put your hand close to her mouth, you then chuckle. "She fell back asleep..." You think to yourself as you lay back down, sighing.

You wait until Silica wakes up properly, she stretches her arms out and gets up going over to her own room. You sit up and make yourself and her some tea. "She seemed pretty happy when she slept by my side, is my presence really all that calming?" You thought to yourself, setting the cups of tea down at the table and equipping your armor. "Oh well, as long as she is happy" you say softly to herself before you hear a chirp at your door, that chirp belonged to Pina, which means Silica is by your door. You walk over and open the door as you let them both inside. "Go ahead and sit down, I made us some tea, I was thinking we could check out the newest floor that the Assault Team cleared got us. Floor 47, the Hill of Memories." You say, smiling as you sit down at the table, the freshly made tea still steaming slightly as you take a sip of it. "Of course! I can't wait to go, it sounds like a lot of fun." She smiled as well, nodding before taking a sip of her tea.

An hour passes as you and Silica are walking up to the teleport gate. You have an uneasy feeling, you felt like someone was watching you from a distance, but not just one person, but a couple of them. You decide to equip the strongest two handed sword you had as you and Silica head to the Hill of Memories, as you two arrive, you look around, the area being surrounded by flowers, it seems like a bunch of people are holding hands, you look at Silica, who was blushing before looking forward "W-Wait... Is this? A dating spot!?" You thought to yourself as you start to blush as well. You took a moment before shaking your head as you look at Silica. "Come on, we can take a look around." You smile, as she looked at you, still blushing slightly. "O-Okay, let's go." She soon smiles, nodding as the both of you start walking. As you two continue walking, monsters soon start to spawn, Mandrakes. "We'd better steer clear of the Mandrakes, they're hostile if they see you." You say as you two walk past one, a minute later you hear Silica scream, the Mandrake grabbed her by the leg and had lifted her above it's mouth, you quickly turn around as you see her holding her skirt in place. "D-Don't look! Please don't look!" She shouted as she was being dangled over the Mandrake. "Silica! I got you!" You quickly draw your blade as you activate your sword skill, "Cyclone!" You spin the blade around, slaying the Mandrake, you sheath your weapon and catch Silica in your arms. "That was close, if that happens, cut off the tendril of the Mandrake then activate a sword skill, you'll kill it in no time." You say, smiling as you set her back down on her feet.

Later, you soon stop at a bridge with a flowing river underneath it as you watch the river flowing, you smile softly as Silica looks at you. "It's so nice here, I see why people call this a date spot." She says, giggling softly and blushing slightly. You get the feeling again as you nod. "Indeed, but it sucks when a paparazzi isn't cutting you any slack." Silica looks at you confused, with a little bit of worry. "I had a feeling when we were at the teleport gate back on Floor 32, but now I have confirmed my suspicions, we were followed, now are you going to reveal yourselves or am I going to have to come to you." You turn to the trees across the bridge as the red haired woman steps out with a group of fighters with their weapons drawn. Silica steps back as she looks scared "R-Rosalia..."

"Next time on Dragon Tamer's Bodyguard! Chapter 7: From Green to Orange, Where's the Fear?"

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