Chapter 11: Face to Face with Death!

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You wake up in the middle of the night as you had the nightmare again, shaking your head. "Why does that nightmare keep popping up...? It continues to haunt me still..." You say to yourself before looking at Silica, she appears to be shaking, a nightmare maybe? You wrap your arms around her as she slowly stops shaking. You smile as you close your eyes, kissing her forehead before falling asleep. "I will not let her die, but I'm not gonna die either, fate will not screw us over!"

The next day, you and Silica were on floor 73 fighting monsters to level up, your level was 120, you and Silica had finally caught up as you two return to your cabin, standing there were Heathcliff, how he found your home was a mystery but you approach anyway. "Greetings (Y/N's Avatar Name) and Silica, are you ready to face the boss on floor 75?" You look towards Silica before back at Heathcliff. "You mean right now? But it's only been a day, how'd you do it?" Heathcliff raised his hand as he chuckled, "Please, the Knights of The Blood Oath take completing the game very seriously, and now we need you and your Original Skill to take down this enemy." You look at Heathcliff as if he seemed suspicious, you then agree as you and Silica are taken to the boss room. You look around as you see Kirito and Asuna talking to the red-headed man and the man you heard rumors about, Agil. Kirito sees you and Silica and runs up to you two. "Hey, you guys are here too? Let's party up again, Me, you, Asuna Silica, Klein, and Agil. It'll be great." You nod as you are all partied up Klein was the one with the bandana as you look towards the door as it begins to open, the lights are immediately on as you all walk in. There was no boss around, the boss room was completely empty except for you and the Assault Team. One person started screaming as they look up, soon everyone was looking up at a skeletal millipede looking down at them, it then dropped down and stared at everyone, it's eyes a piercing red.

You stare at the monster, you remember it from your nightmare, skeletal monster, sharp red eyes, your legs start shaking as you look towards Silica, she was scared too. The beast started attacking everyone it saw, it killed a whole squad with one hit. This scene looked all too familiar, your dream! The beast looks directly at Silica as you quickly run towards her, the beast moving quickly too, she was frozen still in fear. You push her out of the way as you draw your blade quickly with one hand, you then block the swing from the boss, holding onto the blunt end of the blade. "This...! Is not...! My fate...!" You bash the enemy's attack away as you strike it in the head. It flings you up into the air with your sword as it stays standing up, Silica cries out your name. Now's my chance! I have to kill it! If I can't then no one can! You think to yourself as you hold your blade out with two hands, you make the blade fall onto the enemy as you glide the blade down the back of it, causing it to roar in pain, you lowered its health down to half of the last bar, it turns around as you charge up a sword skill, roaring loudly, you hold the blade to the sky. "Zangetsu!" You call out despite that not being the name, but you'd rather pay homage to an anime you watched before as you bring the blade down, sending a large slash wave, cutting through the beast like butter as it shatters to pieces. You fall to the ground in pain, your health was really low, that strike that sent you into the air did a number on you. Silica runs over to you and hugs you tightly, she was crying. "I thought y-you were going to die...!"
At that moment, you heard Kirito shouting, he had swung his sword at Heathcliff, when you looked towards him a message appeared at the tip of Kirito's blade. Immortal Object appeared, Heathcliff was an immortal object? "There's no way that could be right, he's a player!" you thought to yourself as you stood up with the help of Silica. "Heathcliff... Are you... Kayaba?"

"Next time on the Book One Finale of Dragon Tamer's Bodyguard! Chapter 12:  The Final Showdown!"

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