1 He knows, "please don't tell anyone"

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"Please don't tell anyone"

You sighed at your own stupidity, it hadn't even been two weeks since you enrolled in this school and you already had a fight with a senior. Well, it was their fault for picking on that little boy... you simply HAD to save him.
Boys are such stupid and weird creatures. And you just HAD to decide to come to this boys only school out of your own wish! You were almost regretting doing this, you were stupid enough to get in this school coz' your late older brother came to this school. You threatened begged your parents to make you transfer here for your __th  (Your age) birthday, so here you were, dressing up as a boy. You only wanted to feel closer to Albert nii-san. It was quite hard since you had to wrap tightly a cloth around your bust so it was all squished and you'd look as flat as all those guys around you. Though you were quite skinny so if you wore a shirt that was big enough, no one could tell the difference, with you wearing that cloth around your bust of course. Nobody was aware of your secret YET.
There were four dorms to which you could belong depending on your abilities. The Red house symbolized beauty, the green house symbolized strength, the violet house symbolized art and the blue house symbolized intelligence. Although you had all four of 'em, you were put in blue house because of your brilliant mind and "superior" intelligence. Well, it was a kind of intelligence nobody had ever seen coz this was a girl's mind and of course they thought of it as "superior" since it was so different than their way of thinking. Well, for a lucky coincidence, the room was meant to be shared but there was no one to share it with at the school since everyone already had an assigned room and roommate. You were really relieved that you didn't have to share your room. But that fact was about to change.
You were in your room with your shirt off looking in a mirror at the wound you just got on your back in the fight a while ago. It wasn't very deep but it just wouldn't stop bleeding. It stretched from your right shoulder to under your left shoulder. "aaargh, what a pain. Now what am I supposed to do? I can't treat my wound if it's on my back... But I definitely can't go to the nurse because I'd be found out!" then, you heard a knock on the door "WHAAT?!" you shouted in a pissed tone. "Hey ______ , open up, I got your new roommate here and he needs to put his stuff in there. Open the door, fast! I don't have all day!" You quickly put your blood covered shirt on and you threw a jacket on too so they couldn't see the blood and opened the door, but before they could enter, you went to the window at faced them with your back. Well obviously you couldn't turn around coz you weren't wearing your cloth -you didn't have time- under your shirt so your bust wasn't flat at all. "Hey _____, so this is your new roommate take care of him. I'm leaving him in your hands so you're in charge of showing him around and I ain't stayin' here any longer coz I've got work to do." And the senior left. You heard how someone was pulling their heavy luggage inside the room and then shutting the door. "hey there! My name's Ciel Phantomhive and I'll be your new roommate. I hope we can be friends!" said a cheerful voice behind you. But you knew the cheerfulness in his voice was fake; you knew, coz you felt it. You didn't need to see his face to tell, you just knew it was. "Hey, Phantomhive... is it? You don't have to act all happy around me if you aren't... well... it just doesn't feel right." You said still showing him your back. "heh, okay then. You caught me. But don't you know it's impolite to not face someone when you're talking to them? And where's this faint smell of blood coming from?" you grew tense at his last question. Just then, a drop fell on the floor. He realized it and snatched your jacket. You didn't dare look at him but he was probably shocked. "Hey what is this?! You're bleeding! Let's go to the infirmary right away! Come on!." He grabbed your wrist and headed to the door. "I-I can't! I'd be found out!" now you were facing him. He was about the same height as you, he had dark blue hair and he had an eye patch on his right eye. His other eye was of an intense ocean blue and you couldn't help but stare at it. "What are you talking abou- ... oh..." he said as you stared at his hypnotic eye. You could feel the scent of Earl Grey in the air. He slowly let go of your wrist and looked away. A slight pink on his cheeks could be seen. He then faced you with his back and started "Hey... Um... I'm sorry... I-I didn't know you were..., a girl" He blurted out. You suddenly realized your cover was blown. You fell on your knees and grabbed his hand. Tears started streaming down from your eyes. "P-Please don't tell anyone! I'll be kicked out! I beg you!" he then crouched to get at your eye level and put his free hand under your chin to make you look at him in the eye. "Hey, I don't know your reasons for you being here but I'll keep your secret, at least for now." He then smirked "anyways, I'll tell you one thing, no matter what you find out about me, if you dare tell anyone, your secret will no longer be a secret. So don't blow my cover, and I won't blow yours. Got it?" you nodded "good that you understand, then we have a deal. Now let's get that wound treated."

He left you there in the room and he ran off to who knows where. You were still on your knees when you started to think 'Phantomhive, huh? I think I've heard that name before. Now where was it? I can't seem to remember' then the door flung open and the same boy walked in, and shut the door behind him. He quietly walked up to you. "I brought you a first aid kit so I'm going to treat that wound of yours" he then sat behind you. "hey... ______, was it? Look, I don't have all day ya'know so, I think you should hurry up and unbutton your shirt, or is it that you expect ME to do so?" you blushed realizing what he just said "h-huh? N-no thanks, I can do that!" and you started unbuttoning the shirt slowly and in a rather clumsy way. Once you were done with the last button he forcefully pulled the shirt off in an act of impatience. Now the boy could see the whole wound. It was rather deep, but it wouldn't scar though, he had to stop the blood flow. "This is gonna hurt so... don't move, I'm going to clean it." he pressed a wet cloth on your wound which started to burn. 'Alcohol' you guessed while you let out a small cry "a-ah!". He then started to rub the wound. It hurt, it hurt a lot, small tears started to fill the corners of your eyes. Then he applied some kind of ointment on it which just made the wound burn even harder. You were struggling so hard to keep sitting instead of hitting the floor. Soon after (which seemed like an eternity to you) the pain started to flicker away and you felt how the boy was now getting some bandages. "Put your arms in the air" he said. "huh? Why?!" "Don't question me and do as I say!" you obeyed. Not because you wanted to, but because his voice was so dominant and sounded so powerful that it made you obey. You could feel him placing the bandages on your back's left side and rolling them over to the right, then under your armpit, then over your front (you know what I mean right?) and all the way around till your whole upper half was covered in bandages. You were still sitting on the floor when the young boy stood up and took off his shirt and tossed it over your head. "you can wear this and I'm going to have a bath. After that, you're going to show me to the dining hall. Do you have anything to say?" you just sat there still trying to get over the pain "No? Well that just makes it easier" You had turned around and had been staring at him. He had a slender built, you also spotted him taking out a pistol from the right side of his pants and which he put on one of the dressers (the pistol, obviously). He briefly glanced at you to see your reaction over the pistol but soon after hurried to the bathroom and closing the door behind him. You reached out for the shirt still over your head and started putting it on. You could feel your face burn while buttoning it up. The shirt smelled like him.

You could hear the sound of water coming out of the bathroom. You walked over to the pistol. It was certainly a real one, you could tell by the weight, the design and the fact that you owned one yourself. You were still examining it as his words crossed your mind 'no matter what you find out about me, if you dare tell anyone, your secret will no longer be a secret. So don't blow my cover, and I won't blow yours.' What exactly was this Phantomhive boy hiding? "no matter what I find out about him... but how much is he hiding anyways?" you said to yourself. At that time you heard a knock on the door; which was rather strange since instead of knocking everyone would just bang at the door around here. Who could it be? "May I come in, master?" the person on the other side of the door said with a quiet yet sinisterly attractive voice. While you were debating with yourself if to open, or not to open the door, the person outside opened the door and came in with a fake smile over their face. Their eyes stared at you in shock as if they expected someone else to be there and they seemed even more confused as they saw you holding the pistol.

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