part 4 nates gym badge lugia vs lugia battle

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I don't own pokemon or naurto

Nates comes to the gym without ash

Now gym leader I'm fired up water sends out contour Nate sends out lugia. Lugia use aroblast hits contour and it faints now water sends out darkrai  lugia let's become stronger together   lugia transform bbn Nate lugia form because their bond is as strong as ash greninja's. Now use uptime blast which always knocks out the pokemon darkrai faints the gym leader says I couldn't get all my pokemon to rest in time at the pokemon cent here's your water badge Nate yells I won my badge now Nate heads outside pokemon and sees a mysterious  pokemon trainer  now nates says I challenge and the trainer says I'm the pokemon champion  of this as n you think can beat me Nate I was hoping you would come so I can battle your lugia with my lugia now nates says lugia come on out my friend now champion Jake  sends out lugia and mega evolution  it to mega Lugia z  lugia x use thunderbolt lugia use aroblast which hits and dose no damage wrap this up lugia x and finish it with thunderbolt which somehow misses  now lugia let's get stronger  together  nates lugia forms into a wind a becomes lugia bond form lets  use our last resort move aro thunder blast which hit both pokemon faint and it a draw the champion shock that he had his first draw he sees potential  and leaves
To be continued

Now who is this champion Jake and how did he get mega lugia also stay tuned there's more to come peace 9jaker9  out

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